News and Events
Showing 331 to 360 of 445 results

Ireland: Austerity must not trump human rights in constitutional reforms
CESR Executive Director Ignacio Saiz unpacks the human rights issues at stake in this week's referendum in Ireland on the EU Fiscal Compact.

UN calls on Spanish government to 'revise' austerity measures which are harming human rights
Press release: The UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights has echoed civil society demands in questioning the cuts made to social spending in response to the crisis.

Naciones Unidas pide al Gobierno español 'revisar' las medidas de austeridad
Nota de prensa: El Comité de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales de la ONU se hace eco de las demandas de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil y cuestiona los recortes sociales.

A Bottom-Up Approach To Righting Financial Regulation
CESR has joined the Steering Committee of the Righting Financial Regulation project, a new coalition seeking to confront the human rights implications of the global economic crisis.

UN rights experts join calls for FTT as Global Week of Action gets underway
News: A group of UN human rights experts today released a statement, produced in close collaboration with CESR, echoing the growing calls for a global financial transactions tax.

Taking Spain's austerity measures to task at the UN
UN submission: As Spain appeared before the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights for the first time in eight years, CESR has presented two new documents in Geneva.

Social rights; the other deficit
Op-ed Article: To whom is the Spanish state ultimately accountable, the markets or the citizenry? This article by CESR Program Director Gaby Oré was published in El País on 7 May 2012.

Challenges for social rights litigation in Spain
Unnecessarily retrogressive expenditure cuts deployed by governments in the face of the economic crisis are exacting a devastating toll on ESCR.

Extra-territorial obligations: human rights beyond borders
CESR firmly believes that the ultimate realization of economic and social rights depends on cooperating beyond national frontiers. To this end, the Center has joined group of distinguished international experts to adopt the Maastricht Principles on Extra-Territorial Obligations (ETOs) of States in the area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

CESR joins Beyond-2015 Executive Committee
CESR is delighted to report that it is joining the Executive Committee of Beyond-2015, the civil society network pushing for a more effective successor framework to replace the Millennium Development Goals when their deadline expires in a few years time.

OPERA takes stage at monitoring seminar
On 22 and 23 March, CESR hosted a seminar in Madrid entitled New Horizons in Economic and Social Rights Monitoring. The event brought together over 50 human rights and development practitioners to tackle particular challenges of monitoring compliance with this area of human rights.

A recovery for all? Holding Ireland's government to account
Despite repeatedly affirming its commitments to human rights, Ireland's recovery stragey has severely undermined the wellbeing of ordinary people.

UN experts appeal for accountability in Rio+20 goals
News: A group of 22 UN independent human rights experts have called on States to incorporate international human rights norms, with strong accountability mechanisms, into the Rio+20 sustainable development goals.

Seminar: New Horizons in Economic and Social Rights Monitoring
CESR has staged a major two-day seminar on economic and social rights monitoring in the Spanish capital Madrid.

CESR joins call to action on right to safe water
News: CESR, together with 40 other national and international NGOs, is calling on representatives at the World Water Forum (WWF) to unequivocally support the right to safe water and sanitation.

Rural women take center-stage at major UN meeting
The criticial importance of empowering rural women, for the sake of both protecting their rights and promoting development, has been reaffirmed at the 56th Commission on the Status of Women.

20 states sign new 'OP' on children's rights
News: A diverse group of nations, ranging from Germany and Brazil to Mali, Morocco and Montenegro, have become the first signatories of a new UN mechanism designed to protect children's rights.

Austerity and retrogression: Have governments got the right?
As a fiscal compact among European leaders furthers prejudice against ESCR, CESR joins an open letter to Spain's Prime Minister.

Placing human rights at the heart of development
Over the past 12 months some modest but critical headway has been made in efforts to bring human rights centre stage in the discourse of global development.

A trail of hope from Geneva to Equatorial Guinea: using the UPR for national level impact
CESR is providing support to Equatoguinean human rights defenders eager to make use of the UPR.

Busan: mutual accountability isn't a one-way relationship
Although 'mutual accountability' is on everyone's lips at the 4th High-level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, all signs are that poor performance in meeting previous aid commitments will continue.

UNESCO suspende el premio del dictador tras una protesta global
CESR en colaboración con otras organizaciones dan la bienvenida a la decisión tomada el día de hoy por UNESCO relativa a suspender, indefinidamente, el premio nombrado y financiado por el Presidente Obiang de Guinea Ecuatorial

Elections in Spain: tough choices for tough times
As voters head to the polls amidst the worst economic crisis in recent history, Ignacio Saiz warns that democracy without social rights risks becoming a 'dictatorship of the markets'.

Getting the process right for the world we want
As the UN General Assembly meets to discuss the post-2015 development framework, CESR Chairperson Alicia Yamin and board member Sakiko Fukuda-Parr highlight the importance of designing effective, participative procedures in order to create a better future for all the world's people.

CESR co-hosts expert consultation on the future of the MDGs
An expert consultation was convened in Geneva on November 2-3, 2011 to discuss lessons learnt from the accountability gaps in the MDG framework, as well as how human rights can help narrow these deficits in a future post-2015 international development agenda.

CESR joins call for G-20 leaders to embed human rights in decisions
CESR has come together with 185 other civil society organizations from around the world to remind decision-makers at the G-20 summit in Cannes that human rights must be a key consideration in both their discussions and any commitments undertaken

Civil Society demands 'better aid' on International Day for Eradication of Poverty
The Global Call to Action Against Poverty, of which CESR is a member, has joined forces with BetterAid and the Open Forum for CSO Effectiveness to launch a new initiative entitled 'Better Aid for the World We Want'.

States Call on Syria to Uphold the Human Rights
Following Syria's review at the 12th session of the UPR, CESR and its partner ANND urge Syria to adopt the recommendations.

Press release: UNESCO Must Stop Discredited Prize
CESR has joined forces with eight other human rights organizations to confront moves to resurrect the discredited UNESCO-Obiang Science Prize. The government of Equatorial Guinea is hoping to bring back the award honouring dictator Teodoro Obiang, which was suspended last year.

Supporting Equatorial Guinea's embattled rights defenders
Despite spectacular rates of growth, the majority of Equatorial Guinea's population continues to live in poverty. On Monday 12 and Tuesday 13 September CESR joined forces with EG Justice and several Equatoguinean NGOs to stage a capacity-building workshop in Madrid.