News and Events
Showing 391 to 420 of 432 results
Human Rights Responses to the Global Economic Crisis in Geneva
The Center for Economic and Social Rights, along with ESCR-Net and the United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service (NGLS), is sponsoring an event on Thursday, March 4 from 13:15-15:00 in Room XXIII of the Palais de Nations (Geneva). The event is called "Human Rights Responses to the Global Economic Crisis."
Inter-American Development Bank under pressure over new capital requests
More than 100 civil society organizations from 18 countries stepped up pressure on the Inter-American Development Bank by demanding transparency and evidence of structural reforms.
Using Budgets to Monitor Human Rights
New Tactics is hosting an online dialogue from February 24 to March 2 called "Using Budget for Monitoring".
Haiti, one month on: rethinking the model
Haitian human rights and development organizations are calling for a different vision of development aid in the aftermath of the earthquake.
Maternal Mortality and Human Rights
CESR will co-sponsor "Maternal Mortality - rights of 'critical concern' within and beyond Beijing," a panel discussion on Tuesday, March 9, 2010 from 14:00 to 15:30 at the UN Church Center in New York on the 2nd floor.
Online discussion on Women and Poverty
UNDP and UN/DESA are organizing an online discussion on Women and Poverty in preparation for the 15-year review of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action; the ECOSOC Annual Ministerial Review on gender equality (AMR); and the High-level Plenary Meeting of the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly, focused on the Millennium Development Goals.
Making Education Accountable
The Right to Education Project just asked leaders on the right to education to answer two questions in their online forum on discrimination in education.
Integrating rights into budget processes in Haiti
CESR and the OHCHR trained people on budget monitoring from a human rights perspective in Haiti in 2009.
Experts Comment on Rights in Times of Economic Crisis
Experts stress that access to social security and protection is not a policy choice, but rather a human rights obligation.
UN Human Rights Council Investigates Links Between Extreme Poverty and Human Rights
Work is underway on draft guiding principles on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights; they will examine existing international laws in relation to the human rights of people living in extreme poverty.
Documentary photography competition offers new storytelling opportunity to promote rights in crisis
Deadline extended to December 7: Photograph the global financial crisis with CESR and
Event: Human Rights and Financing for Development
The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Center of Concern are hosting a parallel event to the 64th UN General Assembly session on 26 October 2009, in NYC.
Malawi government works to fulfill the human right to adequate food
Malawi cuts child malnutrition by 73 percent in just six years
Event: Enforcing Economic, Social and Cultural Rights - The Hope and Challenge of the Optional Protocol
Once operational, this new international mechanism will provide victims of economic, social and cultural rights violations who are not able to get an effective remedy in their domestic legal system with tangible legal options for redress.
Equatorial Guinea: resource cursed
An article in Foreign Policy demonstrates how Equatorial Guinea's oil is hurting rather than helping
Rich countries lagging on economic and social rights?
The OECD reports that recent economic growth has benefited the rich much more than the poor.
UN opens doors to dialogue and action on global economic crisis
The United Nations Human Rights Council will hold the 2009 Social Forum from 31 August to 2 September.
Egypt's first arrest in enforcing ban on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting
Egypt made its first arrest of someone to violate its complete ban of female genital mutiliation/cutting (FGM/C), Al Arabiya reports.
Responding to the Global Crisis: Launch lecture of UNCTAD's Trade and Development Report 2009
The launch lecture on 1 September 2009 of UNCTAD's 2009 Trade and Development Report will feature "Responding to the Global Crisis and "Climate Change Mitigation and Development".
Input needed for UN Secretary General report on economic crisis and its impact on the world's most vulnerable people
The G20 has requested a comprehensive report from the UN Secretary General on the impact the global financial crisis has had and is having on the poor and most vulnerable around the world.
The NGO Coalition for an Optional Protocol to ICESCR
The NGO Coalition for an Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (OP-ICESCR) has launched a petition in support of the Optional Protocol to the ICESCR
Implementing Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
The recently released "Report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on Implementation of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights" presents concepts related to implementing and monitoring economic, social and cultural rights.
Exploring the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Human rights journal publishes special issue about new rights of individuals or groups to have violations of their rights heard by the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
Center for Economic and Social Rights Confirms Ignacio Saiz as Executive Director
Appointment comes at a time when the defense of economic, social and cultural rights is more crucial than ever because of the global economic crisis.
Economic Crisis and Human Rights
At the start of the UN General Assembly's conference on the economic crisis, CESR urged world leaders to sieze the opportunity to put human rights at the centre of its global responses.
Bangladesh questioned on respect, protection and fulfillment of children's rights
The Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is currently in the middle of its 51st session, at which Bangladesh presented its third and fourth consolidated report.
The 11th session of the Human Rights Council begins
The 11th session of the Human Rights Council opened today in Geneva. Lasting from 2-19 June 2009, the session will assess the human rights situation is various countries.
Human rights an essential framework for tackling the global economic crisis
CESR's statement at UNCTAD's Public Symposium on the global economic crisis and development stressed the need for a human rights framework.
The Global Economic Crisis and Development - the way forward
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) is organizing a public symposium "The Global Economic Crisis and Development - the way forward" on 18-19 May 2009.
SOS Racismo: "La crisis económica y financiera global provoca un aumento del racismo institucional"
Y el racismo institucional fomenta el racismo social contra los inmigrantes en España tanto como en la Unión Europea.