Over three decades, CESR has published more than 150 pieces that have shaped debates on human rights and economic policies. Browse our database of factsheets, reports, case studies, and more.
Showing 181 to 192 of 192 results
Publications, Reports & Briefings
Mining minerals: human rights critique on mining practices
Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development Report, March 2003.
Publications, Reports & Briefings
Great Expectations, Bitter Realities
Economic Decline and Human Rights Abuse under the Oslo Process, 2001
Publications, Reports & Briefings
"Treated Like Slaves" Donna Karan, Inc. Violates Workers' Rights
This preliminary report examines violations of women workers' human rights in the Choe factories in New York City.
Publications, Reports & Briefings
The Price of Gold: Gold Mining & Human Rights in Honduras
2001 report on a CESR investigation to the current operation of the gold mining industry in Honduras since the passage of the General Mining Law in November 1998.
Publications, Reports & Briefings
The Right to Health in Ecuador
In 1999 CESR investigated the impact ofthe petroleum industry on the communities of the Ecuadorian Amazon.
Ecuador Case Study
Case study on the state of economic, social and cultural rights in Ecuador, 1999.
CESR Submission to the Committee on the Rights of the Child: Consideration of Report by Ecuador
Comments based on the report 'From Needs to Rights: Recognizing the Right to Health in Ecuador'.
Publications, Reports & Briefings
Economic and Social Rights Violations in Peru
This report focuses on the Inter-American Commission's role in promoting economic, social, and cultural rights in Peru.
Publications, Reports & Briefings
Sanctions Against Iraq: Costs of Failure
In 1997, CESR organized a fourth mission to Iraq to research a comprehensive report on the economic impact of sanctions.
Unsanctioned Suffering
This report offered evidence of the devastating toll that UN-imposed sanctions were taking on Iraqi society.
Publications, Reports & Briefings
Rights Violations in the Ecuadorian Amazon: The Human Consequences of Oil Development
Rights Violations in the Ecuadorian Amazon: The Human Consequences of Oil Development is a 1994 report examining the role of the government of Ecuador and US oil companies in violating rights to health and a healthy environment.
Publications, Reports & Briefings
Health and Welfare in Iraq after the Gulf Crisis: An In-Depth Assessment
The findings of an 87-person international mission on the human rights impacts of the Gulf Crisis (1991).