Showing 1 to 20 of 20 results

Peru: Financing a Just Recovery to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
Behind a facade of economic success, Peru hides deep multidimensional inequalities which jeopardize achievement of the 2030 Agenda.

Switzerland Factsheet
Joint submission and factsheet to the UN Committee on the Elimination of of Discrimination Against Women show how Swiss role as tax haven undermines women's rights in developing countries.

Factsheets, Manuals & Guides, Publications
Human Rights for All Post-2015: A Litmus Test
The Post-2015 Human Rights Caucus has developed a Litmus Test to be used to evaluate whether proposals for the post-2015 framework respect and reflect pre-existing human rights norms.

Spain: Austerity driving poverty, inequality, human rights deterioration
Factsheet illustrates how austerity is driving violations of economic and social rights in Spain (2015).

Rights regressions and short-sighted austerity policies in Egypt
Factsheet provides a concise statistical snapshot of worrying trends in the country (2013).

Spain Factsheet (2012)
2012 factsheet on economic, social and cultural rights in Spain since the economic crisis took hold in 2007.

United States Factsheet
Despite its wealth, the United States has one the poorest records of economic and social rights achievement of all high-income countries.

Hoja Informativa sobre Guinea Ecuatorial
Guinea Ecuatorial se ha convertido en el país más rico en renta per capita del África subsahariana.

Equatorial Guinea Factsheet
This 2009 factsheet focuses on the rights to health, education, water and sanitation.

Cambodia Factsheet
A graphic overview of selected elements of the human rights to health, food, education, housing and water (2009).

Madagascar Factsheet
CESR's 2009 factsheet on Madagascar provides a graphic overview of the rights to food, health and water.

Guatemala Factsheet
This 2008 factsheet focuses on the rights to health, food and education in Guatemala.

Bangladesh Factsheet
In light of Bangladesh's appearance before the Committee on the Rights of the Child in May 2009, this factsheet looks at the realization of economic and social rights for Bangladesh's children.
Cambodia's Economic and Social Rights Under Scrutiny
A new CESR analysis asks if Cambodia is dedicating maximum available resources to realizing economic and social rights

Kenya Factsheet
Sharp disparities between provinces suggest the government's duty of non-discrimination is not being met.

Angola Factsheet
Although Angola has one of the highest GDP per capita in Sub-Saharan Africa, average life expectancy is 41 years and 69 percent of Angolans live below the poverty line.

India Factsheet
India had higher economic growth from 1995 to 2005 than its South Asian neighbors, but also one of the smallest declines in under-five mortality rates.

Bolivia Factsheet
Inequality in education and health, and regional disparities in child mortality, in Bolivia are striking.

Factsheets, Manuals & Guides, Publications
United States: Fighting for the Right to Education
CESR has focused on efforts to improve educational standards in New York City public schools by bringing a human rights perspective to education issues.

The Right to Water in Palestine: a Background
The Israeli confiscation and control of Palestinian water resources is a defining feature of the Israeli occupation and a major impediment to resolution of the Israel-Palestine conflict.