Read the latest reflections and insights about human rights and the economy, written by our team and partners around the world.
Showing 91 to 120 of 199 results
OPERA Stories: Giving indicators and benchmarks a human face in the UK
Koldo Casla and Imogen Richmond-Bishop discuss using OPERA in a national human rights context and the importance of a human element in rights advocacy work.
OPERA Stories: Advancing rights implementation in Kenya
This first blog in our “OPERA Stories” series highlights NGO Hakijamii's use of OPERA, our analytic framework, to support rights-claiming in Kenya.
Overturning Austerity: Spain reestablishes universal access to healthcare
A sustained and coordinated fight by Spanish civil society and CESR obtained a promise from the new government to repeal a decree that deprived nearly one million the right to health.
Egypt: New rights-based metric measures social and development progress
A new metric, developed jointly by CESR and its partners in Egypt, offers a more multidimensional view of the socioeconomic situation in Egypt and its human impacts.
UN poverty expert urges the U.S. to “get real about taxes”
U.N. poverty expert Philip Alston's report on U.S. poverty reflects CESR concerns about effects of tax cuts on human rights and inequality.
Rights in an Age of Austerity: Encouraging Fiscal Alternatives at the IMF
This spring, CESR challenged the IMF to stop supporting harmful fiscal consolidation measures, as in Brazil, Peru, Spain and Egypt,
Human rights must rise to the challenge of growing inequality, not retreat in defeat
The challenges economic inequality poses for human rights are not the death knell for the movement but a wake-up call for a more holistic approach.
The next act for OPERA
The OPERA House project asks which tools human rights activists need to better understand and tackle the unjust socioeconomic structures that cause so many of the world’s human rights violations.
Economic inequality and human rights: towards a more nuanced assessment
The challenges facing human rights are not the death knell for the movement, but a wake up call for a more holistic approach.
The next act for OPERA: Part 2—How do we get there?
CESR wants to deepen its understanding of who is currently using OPERA or its related methodological tools, and how. We’re inviting interested collaborators to sign up to learn more about getting involved in the OPERA House project.
The next act for OPERA: Part 1—From where to where?
What tools do human rights activists need to better understand, and, more importantly, tackle, the unjust socioeconomic structures that cause so many of the world’s human rights violations? The Center for Economic and Social Rights is excited to embark on a new project over the next six months—the OPERA House—that seeks to answer that question.
IMF Springs: Reconciling conflicting messages on austerity and inequality
At the Spring Meetings of the IMF and the World Bank this week, CESR will share its work on human rights in times of austerity, and will promote more sufficient, equitable and accountable fiscal policies that uphold human rights.
Assessing Austerity: Tools for preventing another Lost Decade for human rights
Setting out a methodological framework for assessing and addressing the human rights impacts of fiscal consolidation.
Two years on, can human rights rescue the 2030 Agenda?
Two years since the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development came into force, a “business as usual” approach to implementation risks betraying its lofty ambition to “transform our world.”
Kenya: Using OPERA to ensure UN recommendations are met
While UN human rights bodies are issuing stronger recommendations on ESCR, CESR works with national partners around the world to build up implementation tracking mechanisms.
USA: Extreme poverty and inequality in a land of plenty
The UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights undertook a revealing fact-finding mission to the USA.
We can't afford another "lost decade"
Ignacio Saiz explains how CESR’s work this year pinpoints austerity as the single most pervasive threat to economic and social rights worldwide. Please consider making a year-end contribution toward CESR's efforts.
U.S. Tax Plan’s Spiraling Consequences for Human Rights and Poverty – At Home and Abroad
CESR's Niko Lusiani writes in FACTCoalition about CESR bringing the human rights costs of the proposed U.S. tax cuts to the attention of leading UN human rights official Philip Alston now investigating poverty in the country.
How Data Is Helping in the Struggle for the Right to Education in South Africa
CESR's Allison Corkery writes in Open Society Foundations Voices blog about using OPERA tool with Legal Resources Centre to identify indicators and analyze data for tracking implementation on South African education rights case.
Sharp data skills and strategic venue choices key to claiming ESCR
CESR workshopped with multiple European partners in Riga, Latvia to strengthen national human rights institutes' capacity to increase skills for handling ESCR complaints and monitoring socioeconomic policies.
Tax abuse and human rights: closing the gap between what’s legal and what’s just.
The Paradise Papers prompt a demand for an international convention ending cross-border tax abuse and financial secrecy. A transnational problem, tackling tax abuse requires a concerted global response.
OPERA in South Africa: How Strategic Litigation + Strong Data = Better Implementation
In a new case study, CESR and the Legal Resources Centre reflect on a joint project piloting the use of the OPERA framework to analyze implementation in a case on the right to education in South Africa.
IMF can safeguard women’s equality in an age of austerity
At the IMF and World Bank Annual Meetings, CESR staffers discussed inequality, progressive fiscal policy and human rights while launching a briefing on austerity and women’s rights.
"OPERA-tionalizing" rights in Scotland’s new social security law
A workshop in Scotland asked how human rights can help design policies that tackle economic inequality and social exclusion.
Low-level performance at High-Level Political Forum
Blog: CESR reflects on the shortcomings of the 2017 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.
Tax competition & avoidance "inconsistent with human rights"
Blog: New CESCR General Comment details governments’ legal duties to prevent and address the adverse impacts of corporate tax avoidance on human rights.
The Politics of ‘Progress’: UN report paints a highly partial picture of SDG implementation
New SDG progress report confirms civil society fears that weak monitoring is undermining the agenda.
Made to measure? Using public policy guidelines as human rights benchmarks
Last month, CESR's Allison Corkery joined a group of practitioners and academics from diverse disciplines for a workshop organized by the Human Rights Methodology Lab.
Tackling inequality: the radical potential of the Sustainable Development Goals
A contribution to the openGlobalRights debate on economic inequality and human rights by CESR's Kate Donald.
Corporate taxation key to protecting human rights in the global economy
UN expert body takes new steps to prevent corporate tax abuses, but more is needed to ensure companies pay their fair share.