Over three decades, CESR has published more than 150 pieces that have shaped debates on human rights and economic policies. Browse our database of factsheets, reports, case studies, and more.
Showing 151 to 180 of 192 results
Hoja Informativa sobre Guinea Ecuatorial
Guinea Ecuatorial se ha convertido en el país más rico en renta per capita del África subsahariana.
Cambodia: Submission to UN Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review (UPR)
CESR individual submission to sixth session of the Universal Periodic Review, December 2009
Cambodia Factsheet
A graphic overview of selected elements of the human rights to health, food, education, housing and water (2009).
Equatorial Guinea Factsheet
This 2009 factsheet focuses on the rights to health, education, water and sanitation.
Madagascar Factsheet
CESR's 2009 factsheet on Madagascar provides a graphic overview of the rights to food, health and water.
Publications, Reports & Briefings
Human Rights and the Economic Crisis
A new CESR briefing explores the human rights dimensions of the global economic crisis: its consequences, causes and responses.
Rights in Recession?
CESR Executive Director Ignacio Saiz on the challenges for economic and social rights enforcement during economic crisis.
Guatemala Factsheet
This 2008 factsheet focuses on the rights to health, food and education in Guatemala.
Bangladesh Factsheet
In light of Bangladesh's appearance before the Committee on the Rights of the Child in May 2009, this factsheet looks at the realization of economic and social rights for Bangladesh's children.
Cambodia's Economic and Social Rights Under Scrutiny
A new CESR analysis asks if Cambodia is dedicating maximum available resources to realizing economic and social rights
Publications, Reports & Briefings
Bringing Human Rights to Bear in Times of Crisis
A human rights analysis of government responses to the economic crisis
Publications, Reports & Briefings
Poverty and Human Rights: is poverty a violation of human rights?
Poverty is an assault on human dignity, but it can also reflect a violation of human rights when it is the direct consequence of government policy or is caused by the failure of governments to act.
How can we use quantitative methods to monitor ESC rights?
Edward Anderson, from the University of East Anglia examines how quantitative methods could be incorporated to assess governments' compliance with their human rights obligations.
Publications, Reports & Briefings
Guatemalan State systematically violates economic and social rights of citizens
New CESR study on health, education and food says fiscal and tax policy is largely responsible.
Kenya Factsheet
Sharp disparities between provinces suggest the government's duty of non-discrimination is not being met.
Angola Factsheet
Although Angola has one of the highest GDP per capita in Sub-Saharan Africa, average life expectancy is 41 years and 69 percent of Angolans live below the poverty line.
Bolivia Factsheet
Inequality in education and health, and regional disparities in child mortality, in Bolivia are striking.
India Factsheet
India had higher economic growth from 1995 to 2005 than its South Asian neighbors, but also one of the smallest declines in under-five mortality rates.
Guatemala: Submission to the UPR
Submission by CESR and Instituto Centroamericano de Estudios Fiscales (ICEFI) to the Universal Periodic Review, May 2008
Publications, Reports & Briefings
The Right to Health in the United States
The US health care system falls short of international standards for the right to health (2004).
Publications, Reports & Briefings
Beyond Torture: US Violations of Occupation Law in Iraq
This report, from June 2004, presents ten categories of US violations of the laws of occupation.
Factsheets, Manuals & Guides, Publications
United States: Fighting for the Right to Education
CESR has focused on efforts to improve educational standards in New York City public schools by bringing a human rights perspective to education issues.
Publications, Reports & Briefings
The Human Cost of War in Iraq
In January 2003, a CESR organized a research mission to Iraq to assess the likely humanitarian consequences of war.
Publications, Reports & Briefings
Iraq: Water under seige
From April 2003, this report examines the lack of safe water in Iraq caused by the war.
Publications, Reports & Briefings
Thirsting for Justice
This 2003 report exposes the ways in which Israel has taken complete control of shared Palestinian-Israeli water sources.
Publications, Reports & Briefings
Tearing up the Rules: The Illegality of Invading Iraq
In March 2003, CESR presented a comprehensive analysis of why a war against Iraq would be unequivocally illegal.
Publications, Reports & Briefings
Afghanistan: The Right to Food in Conflict
This report examines numerous violations to the right to food in Afghanistan, where the US-led war exacerbated and worsened the food situation drastically.
Publications, Reports & Briefings
Ghana: Privatization and Water Sector Reform in Ghana
CESR and its allies conducted a fact-finding mission to examine impacts of the privatization of water in Ghana.
Publications, Reports & Briefings
Human Rights and Reconstruction in Afghanistan
This report presents the findings of a human rights assessment mission to Afghanistan, undertaken in January 2002.
The Right to Water in Palestine: a Background
The Israeli confiscation and control of Palestinian water resources is a defining feature of the Israeli occupation and a major impediment to resolution of the Israel-Palestine conflict.