Academic pieces
Showing 1 to 12 of 12 results

Freeing Fiscal Space: A Human Rights Imperative in Response to COVID-19
Our Executive Director, Ignacio Saiz, contributed to a new issue of GLOBAL TRENDS. ANALYSIS, published by the Development and Peace Foundation (SEF).
Rights Not Debts
CESR contributed to Progressive International's Debt Justice Blueprint, a series of essays that tackle the different dimensions of debt.

International Journal of Human Rights: Special Issue on human rights and economic policy reform
Volume 24, Issue 9 of the International Journal of Human Rights is a special issue, co-edited by Aoife Nolan and Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky. It brings together experts working on human rights and economic policy from a range of disciplinary perspectives, including economics, law, and development studies.

Transforming fact-finding to realize economic and social rights
New book includes a chapter by Allison Corkery, Director of CESR’s Rights Claiming and Accountability Program, on fact-finding methodologies and the multidimensional nature of chronic deprivations.

Indicators for a post-2015 fiscal revolution
Working paper: CESR and Christian Aid offer some rights-based proposals for the post-2015 indicator framework.

Austerity undermining rights says CoE Commissioner
Publication: A new Council of Europe Issue Paper, commissioned from CESR, assesses the human rights impacts of austerity measures and sets out an agenda for change.

Beyond 2015: Just governance must be a cornerstone of the sustainable development agenda
A new Beyond-2015 paper co-cordinated by CESR explains that just and effective governance must become a central pillar of any future global development framework.

Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Tools to Monitor the Obligation to Fulfil ESCR
Article: In this article in the Nordic Journal of Human Rights we briefly analyse the range of new methodologies which have been developed to monitor the positive obligation to fulfil ESCR, and discuss the OPERA Framework.

CESR contributes to major UN publication on future of MDGs
CESR Researcher Allison Corkery has contributed a chapter to the new UNDP publication 'Accelerating Achievement of MDGs by Ways and Means of Economic and Social Rights'.

Measuring Economic and Social Rights to Hold Governments Accountable
In the OECD Journal on Development "Measuring Human Rights and Democratic Governance" CESR presents a framework for measuring economic and social rights.

Rights in Recession?
CESR Executive Director Ignacio Saiz on the challenges for economic and social rights enforcement during economic crisis.

How can we use quantitative methods to monitor ESC rights?
Edward Anderson, from the University of East Anglia examines how quantitative methods could be incorporated to assess governments' compliance with their human rights obligations.