Read the latest reflections and insights about human rights and the economy, written by our team and partners around the world.
Showing 121 to 150 of 200 results

Corporate taxation key to protecting human rights in the global economy
UN expert body takes new steps to prevent corporate tax abuses, but more is needed to ensure companies pay their fair share.

Human rights, inequality, and the "orphan SDG"
The SDGs offer an opportunity to mobilize action against inequality, but our approaches and policy solutions must be informed by human rights.

Putting the spotlight on inequality at SDG review summit
Blog: inequality takes center stage at UN, as High-Level Political Forum promises to 'leave no one behind' in SDGs.

Will accountability be left behind at SDG review forum?
As the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) convenes this week, Kate Donald and Lena Kahler examine whether Agenda 2030 will live up to its promise to “leave no one behind”.

Defending Dignity: Introduction
CESR and the Asia Pacific Forum (APF) present a new manual - ‘Defending Dignity’ - designed to strengthen the role of National Human Rights Institutions in monitoring and enforcing economic, social and cultural rights. The manual is complemented by a series of motion graphics and explanatory videos.This introduction unpacks the question of what is monitoring, and what should it mean for NHRIs getting to grips with economic, social and cultural rights. It covers a wide range of activities that NHRIs commonly undertake as part of their mandated functions.

Visions and Voices for Human Rights (24 September 2013)
On September 24 CESR, together with its partners IBON International and Amnesty International, organized a side event athe the United Nations in New York to push for the proper inclusion of human rights in the post-2015 development framework. This event, which enjoyed the support of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the permanent missions of Finland and Argentina to the United Nations, took place as the General Assembly met to discuss a process for agreeing the new development agenda. This video includes highlights from presentations at the side event.

CESR's work in Spain
CESR's allies in Spain reflect on the situation in their country - particularly regarding undocumented migrants who have been excluded from universal healthcare - and the contribution the Center has made.

SDG targets risk missing the mark on inequality
As the UN Statistical Commission debates final proposals for the SDG indicators, there is serious concern over the absence of a robust measure of inequality.

Indicators of success: how best to measure Agenda 2030
Four months have now passed since Agenda 2030 was agreed, but the crucial matter of designating indicators to measure progress remains in the balance.

South Africa: court orders task team to tackle school furniture saga
CESR's partners in South Africa have secured a significant breakthrough after a court ordered the Minister of Basic Education to address furniture shortages in Eastern Cape schools.

Promising the World: Accountability and the SDGs
There is one critical area where the SDGs fall dangerously short – accountability. Read the new blog by Kate Donald, Director of CESR's Human Rights in Development Program.

Malaysia: new report on right to education for disabled children has important lessons for government
The National Human Rights Commission of Malaysia and CESR are working to ensure children with disabilities are not denied their right to education.

Amina J Mohammed
Amina J Mohammed, Special Adviser to the UN Secretary General on Post-2015 Development Planning, talks to CESR about the role human rights and tax justice must play in future development efforts.

Twenty Years of Economic and Social Rights Advocacy
Leading figures from the world of human rights reflect on progress in the field, and CESR's contribution, since the 1993 Vienna Declaration and Program of Action.

Strong commitments in final SDG text, despite sordid final compromises
Kate Donald, Director of CESR's Human Rights in Sustainable Development Program, reflects on some tense negotiations and the resulting agreement for post-2015 development.

How can the UPR strengthen economic, social and cultural rights?
At a recent side event in Geneva, CESR and its partners examined the Universal Periodic Review's efforts to advance ESC rights.

Evading accountability post-2015 will eviscerate agenda's ambition
After last week's financing for development talks left both civil society and developing countries frustrated, CESR's Kate Donald looks ahead to this week's post-2015 talks at the UN.

Reporting back from the Responsible Data Forum
Participants from the Responsible Data Forum - a major meeting about the role of data and new technologies in human rights documentation - talk to CESR about the lessons they have learned.

Falling at the last hurdle? Human rights and accountability in the SDGs
CESR's Kate Donald examines the strengths and weaknesses of the recently released 'zero draft' document for post-2015 development.

Human rights in the global partnership for sustainable development: 7 misconceptions
Niko Lusiani, Director of CESR's Human Rights in Economic Policy Program, debunks the myths surrounding human rights in a meaningful global partnership for post-2015 sustainable development.

Breaking the accountability taboo in SDG negotiations
Blog: Kate Donald, Director of CESR's Human Rights in Development program, reflects on recent dynamics in the post-2015 talks.

Measuring what we treasure: human rights insights for post-2015 development
As governments set about choosing indicators for the post-2015 sustainable development goals, it is crucial that calls for pragmatism don't lead to a lack of ambition.

New tools for old problems: closing the accountability gap in Egypt
Allison Corkery on the next phased of our ongoing collaboration with Egyptian human rights defenders.

'The global partnership for development': tackling the accountability deficit
CESR's Kate Donald presents the new briefing 'Universal Rights, Differentiated Responsibilities'.

Women's rights and revenues: no gender equality without fiscal justice
While it is widely accepted that taxation plays a key role in determining income inequality, we are seeing more and more that it dramatically impacts women's equality and human rights as well.

Secretary-General's Synthesis Report: moving the post-2015 debate forward?
Kate Donald, director of the Human Rights in Development program at CESR, reflects on the strengths and weaknesses of a recent milestone report on the post-2015 process

The 'data revolution': of the people, for the people?
The provision of comprehensive, quality data is essential to rights-based development, but the much-vaunted 'data revolution' must also be empowering and people-centered.

A missed opportunity for ESCR: Reflections on Egypt's appearance before UPR
CESR's Allison Corkery reflects on the challenges of holding Egypt to account before the UN for its ESCR obligations.

SDGs merely dead letters without fiscal justice and human rights
Unless governments agree to concrete tax and budgetary commitments which ensure robust, equitable and accountable fiscal foundations for sustainable development, the SDGs are likely to fail.

Human rights 'non-negotiable' on post-2015 agenda, says global civil society
Thousands of civil society organizations gathered at the UN headquarters have issued a strong call for human rights to be at the heart of the post-2015 development agenda.