Read the latest reflections and insights about human rights and the economy, written by our team and partners around the world.
Showing 61 to 90 of 200 results

Confronting COVID: How Civil Society is Responding Across Countries | Colombia
Dejusticia's Alejandro Rodríguez Llach discusses the need for more comprehensive, rights-affirming income protections for Colombia's most vulnerable citizens, post-COVID.

Confronting COVID: How Civil Society is Responding Across Countries | South Africa
Carilee Osborne and Pamela Choga of the Institute for Economic Justice discuss the South African government's inadequate response to COVID-19 and argue for a fundamental economic transformation that ensures human rights.

Confronting COVID: How Civil Society is Responding Across Countries | Scotland
Alison Hosie, of the Scottish Human Rights Commission, argues for using human rights principles to shape the Scottish budgetary process, in order to "build back better."

Confronting COVID: How Civil Society is Responding Across Countries | Argentina
Julieta Izcurdia of ACIJ argues for centering the rights of groups that suffer the most under COVID and for a fairer tax system in the long term.

Confronting COVID: How Civil Society is Responding Across Countries | Brazil
Grazielle David, of the Fiscal Justice Network of Latin America and the Caribbean, discusses Brazilian civil society's efforts to create fiscal space for rights funding in the face of longstanding austerity and the federal government's lack of coordinated responses to the pandemic.

COVID-19: Recovering Rights Series
"COVID-19: Recovering Rights" series aims to spark collective debate on the question of how to transform post-COVID-19 economies so rights and dignity are placed at their center.

Strategy in the Time of COVID-19
As CESR takes stock of the implications of the pandemic for its longer-term organizational strategy, we reflect on the challenges and opportunities the crisis presents to leveraging human rights more effectively in struggles for economic justice.

Time for a Rights-Based Global Economic Stimulus to Tackle COVID-19
Safeguarding human rights in economic responses to the COVID-19 crisis demands governments finally lay to rest the prevailing dogma of austerity.

Spain: From Laggard to Leader on Social Rights?
Devastating findings of UN poverty expert’s recent visit to Spain put the new government’s commitments on social rights to the test.

Fiscal Policy, Inequality and Human Rights in Peru
Peru's success story in terms of growth and poverty reduction requires a more nuanced evaluation, given persistent inequalities and the government's failure to guarantee social rights and ensure sustainable growth through sound fiscal practices. This short video offers two compelling examples of unjustified rights deprivations caused by the country's unfair fiscal and budgetary policies: the setbacks in bilingual intercultural education policy and the lack of adequate funding for cancer policies.

What Place for Human Rights in the Growing Movement against Inequality?
How can human rights tools and approaches help amplify the efforts and experiences of those who face inequality on a daily basis?

CESR Asked for Feedback to Inform Its New Strategy: This is What We Heard
CESR is grateful for survey responses from more than 30 partners and allies helping us drill down on key questions to answer as we design our next organizational strategy.

Human Rights and the Global Protests: Addressing Systems as well as Symptoms
Human rights advocates should be as concerned with the economic injustices giving rise to recent worldwide demonstrations as with the repressive responses to them.

An Invitation to Help Shape CESR's New Strategy
As CESR develops its next strategic plan, Executive Director Ignacio Saiz asks for feedback to help us position ourselves for greater impact on the critical issues that inform our organizational vision.

Fiscal Policy and the Rights of Indigenous and Afro-descendant Peoples
Video from workshop in Bogotá bringing together Indigenous and Afro-descendant leaders from Peru and Colombia to discuss the links between unjust fiscal policies, extractive industries, and the rights and wellbeing of these communities..

Striking at the Roots of the Climate Crisis
The climate crisis is also a human rights crisis that requires a courageous, informed and robust response from the human rights community.

Technocratic Fiddling While the Planet Burns: Towards a Higher Level of Ambition for the HLPF
The 2019 HLPF had admirable rhetoric, but not much evidence of serious efforts at comprehensive implementation, and a host of major flaws and limitations to contend with.

Linking Fiscal and Environmental Justice Agendas in the Andean Region
Environmental, socioeconomic and fiscal injustices in the Andean Region mutually reinforce each other, disproportionally affecting the rights and wellbeing of Indigenous peoples and Afro-descendant communities.

The State of Tax in Latin America: Massive Evasion and Avoidance Block Human Rights and Development
States are obligated to mobilize their maximum available resources to progressively advance rights and reduce disparities between the wealthy and the most disadvantaged.

Legacies of apartheid: South African austerity perpetuates the inequalities of decades past
The South African government’s adoption of austerity measures now perpetuates many of the same inequalities that apartheid upheld many years ago.

Milestones and tipping points
As 2018 ends, Executive Director Ignacio Saiz discusses the 70th anniversary of the UDHR and the 25th anniversary of CESR, both celebrated this year, as well as CESR's work supporting the UDHR's agenda of social and economic justice.

Snapshots from a Lost Decade for human rights: Ten years since the financial crisis
Slideshow illustrates the impacts of CESR's collaborative work monitoring austerity policies and other effects of the 2008 financial crisis.

When human rights triumph over austerity: Spain restores universal health care
Spain’s new government ends the exclusion of undocumented migrants from health care, an austerity measure adopted by the former government.

Argentina: the latest IMF austerity package belies Lagarde’s lip service to human rights
A World Leader Award from the Appeal of Conscience Foundation for IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde is at odds with the IMF's role in promoting austerity packages around the world.

Death by a million cuts: what future for the right to health in Italy?
Since 2012, Italian austerity policies have slashed public health spending by billions of euros, threatening accessibility and widening health inequalities. Are there alternatives?

Rights and resources: fostering governments' compliance with human rights
Governments can realize maximum available resources by referencing current distributional debates and establishing hard law solutions via the international human rights ecosystem.

OPERA House Survey Results: A diverse set of users with a diverse set of needs
OPERA House partner survey results have given us a clearer picture of who is using OPERA, CESR's ESC rights monitoring framework, and how it is being used.

Five key takeaways from the 2018 High Level Political Forum
Valuable information competes with State propaganda and sectoral bubbles while civil society gets sidelined.

Tax abuse leads to human rights abuse
Policy-makers have played Jenga with the broken international corporate tax system for some time. It’s time to build a new foundation for effective taxation of multinationals.

OPERA Stories: Using the framework to map community concerns in Scotland
Alison Hosie discusses how OPERA allowed the Scottish Human Rights Commission's diverse group of workshop participants to approach socioeconomic issues from a more human rights-based analytical perspective.