Read the latest reflections and insights about human rights and the economy, written by our team and partners around the world.
Showing 151 to 180 of 199 results

Will High-Level Forum rise to accountability challenge?
The High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development Goals is tackling one of the most crucial, and controvesial, issues in post-2015 development negotiations - accountability.

Strictly business: national rights institutions and the private sector
National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) have a critical part to play in making sure the private sector be called to account for its impact on human rights.

Will post-2015 development proposals meet the Human Rights Litmus Test?
CESR's Niko Lusiani addresses the UN, setting out the criteria of a 'Human Rights Litmus Test' for post-2015 sustainable development proposals.

European rights chief warns of austerity's 'lost generation'
Drawing on a recently-published issue paper commissioned from CESR, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights calls for young people's rights to be restored.

OPERA in the Occupied Territories
CESR is working closely with Palestine's Independent Commission on Human Rights to support its efforts protect economic and social rights.

UN Financing Committee hears call for post-2015 fiscal revolution
CESR has urged the UN Committee tasked with devising a post-2015 development financing strategy to tackle the fiscal injustices undermining sustainable development and human rights.

Accountability moves to the fore of the Post-2015 debate
CESR contributes to United Nations discussions on monitoring and accountability in the post-2015 development agenda.

Civil society rallies to prevent privatization of post-2015 process
The private sector is threatening to drown out civil society's demands for a human rights-based sustainable development framework.

Ireland: Post-crisis Constitutional Convention calls for economic and social rights
Consultations have revealed overwhelming support for incorporation of ESCR provisions in the crisis-hit country's constitution.

Putting rights at the centre of 'data revolution'
Speaking at a UNDP conference on 'Data and Accountability', CESR's Allison Corkery sets out the rights issues at stake in informational planning for the post-2015 era.

Visions and Voices for Human Rights
Forum summary: On 24 September 2013 CESR and its partners organized a side event at the UN General Assembly to discuss integration of human rights into the post-2015 sustainable development agenda.

Human rights take centre stage at UN post-2015 debate
Member states at the Open-Working Group on the Sustainable Development Goals have reiterated the call for human rights to be a foundation stone of the post-2015 agenda.

CESR pays tribute to Nelson Mandela
CESR Board member Geoff Budlender, who served as Director-General of the Department of Land Affairs during Nelson Mandela's presidency, pays tribute to the late South African leader.

Egypt rights activists take struggle to Geneva
CESR and its partners travelled to Geneva as Egypt was reviewed at the 51st session of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

FTT: Robin Hood advocates undeterred by challengers
Blog: Momentum towards the implementation of a financial transactions tax in Europe is facing new obstacles. With success seeming so close yet so far, campaigners are redoubling their efforts.

Accountability Not Austerity Can Help Prevent Next Financial Crisis
Niko Lusiani argues that systematic failures in accountability also helped cause the global financial crisis.

Major advance for social justice as 'OP' comes into force
On May 5 the long-awaited Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights finally entered into force.

UN conference hears resounding call for human rights-based governance post-2015
The need for more just forms of governance took center-stage at the UN Thematic Consultation on Governance and the Post-2015 Framework in Johannesburg last week.

King, Keynes and Obama's legacy at the IMF
As the US marks Martin Luther King Day, CESR Senior Researcher Niko Lusiani calls for the iconic leader's social justice vision to be remembered in contemporary social and economic policy.

The year ahead: a critical step towards the world we want post-2015
The new global development framework must be grounded in the universal and pre-existing set of human rights norms, standards and operational principles.

From Kenya to Kuala Lumpur: boosting the role of national human rights institutions
2012 has seen the Center working closely with national human rights institutions in Kenya, New Zealand and Malaysia to boost their capacity to advance economic and social rights in their countries.

UN expert body warns world of austerity threat to human rights
The UN General Assembly has been told that unchecked austerity measures are undermining human rights around the world

Immigrants’ rights in poor health: resisting cutbacks in Spain
Some 150,000 immigrants have lost their right to public health services under the latest cost-cutting measures implemented in Spain.

Europe moves forward on Robin Hood Tax while US balks
The 'Robin Hood Tax' has come one step closer after 11 European countries agreed to move forward with the initiative. Certain key states, including the US, remain opposed, however.

Post-MDGs: what next for a global development agenda that takes human rights seriously?
In June, a High Level Panel will be convened by the United Nations to take the lead in framing a proposed set of successor goals to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which are to be adopted by 2015, when the MDGs officially expire. Human rights should be the organizing framework for the new development agenda.

Blame it on Rio: Rights sidelined at crucial conference
The decision-makers gathered in Brazil did commit to establishing a set of Sustainable Development Goals, with the United Nations General Assembly to appoint a group of 30 experts by September to design the new “SDGs”.

Tax and human rights: 'Robin Hood' no longer just a fairytale
Years of campaigning on the part of social justice organizations looks set to bear fruit in the near future after a group of 10 European countries agreed to move forward in implementing a regional financial transactions tax.

Human Rights after Rio+20: failure is not an option
As the dust settles on a disappointing Rio+20 conference, the CESR blog explains why human rights norms and standards can and must inform the future course of global development.

Spain answers to UN for rights impacts of crisis response
Spain is appearing before the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights for the first time in eight years.

Children in an urban world: Rights denied, opportunities squandered
Abid Aslam, Editor of Unicef's flagship report 'The State of the World's Children', examines the particular human rights challenges facing children in urban areas.