News and Events
Showing 241 to 270 of 445 results

Agenda 2030: Rights on track?
Statement: As world leaders gather to adopt 'Agenda 2030', the Post-2015 Human Rights Caucus evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of the new framework.

UN adopts Agenda 2030, but will governments follow through?
Statement: CESR responds to Agenda 2030, the new sustainable development goals for the next 15 years adopted by member states at the United Nations.

Paradigm Shift or Lost Opportunity?
Invitation: CESR invites you to panel event bringing together leading figures to reflect critically on the progress made in securing human rights in Agenda 2030.

Global civil society demands stronger 'Addis Ababa Agenda'
Joint declaration: As world leaders meet in Addis Ababa, over 600 civil society organizations call for a stronger agreement on post-2015 financing for development.

Spanish government gives inadequate response to UN on migrants’ right to health
Press release: As Spain appears before the Human Rights Council, CESR and its partners affirm access to health care is still not guaranteed to migrants in the country.

Side event: Engaging the private sector in post‐2015 human rights and accountability
On Thursday 25 June, CESR and its partners will hold a side event at UN headquarters examining the role of the private sector in post-2015 accountability.

Endorse the Lima Declaration on Tax Justice and Human Rights
Joint declaration: The Global Week of Action for Tax Justice has culminated in the release of the Lima Declaration on Tax Justice and Human Rights.

How can the Universal Periodic Review strengthen the realization of economic, social and cultural rights?
Side event: On 17 June, CESR and Amnesty International will hold an event in Geneva to discuss how the UPR can better address inequality and disadvantage around the world.

Webinar: Tax Justice and Women's Rights
Join us on June 16th, from 10:00am to 12:00pm EST, for a free webinar on tax justice and women's rights.

Building the foundation for tax justice through human rights
Tax justice activists and human rights defenders from all over the world came together April 29-30, 2015 in Peru for a strategy meeting designed to build a platform for future collaboration.

Monitoring tax spillovers in the Financing for Development Accord
CESR's Nicholas Lusiani has delivered a presentation on behalf of civil society in advance of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development.

Why the SDGs are more than just good intentions
This statement has been released by the Beyond-2015 coalition, of which CESR is a member, in reponse to two articles published by The Economist on 28 March 2015.

Measuring what we treasure: exploring how human rights should inform the post-2015 indicators
Side event: On Monday 23 March, CESR together with its partners in the Post-2015 Human Rights Caucus will hold a timely debate about how to measure the SDGs and accompanying targets.

Egypt's new government promised an economic revolution -- but Egyptians get more of the same
Foreign Policy Op-ed: As Egypt hosts a major investment conference, CESR's Allison Corkery and ECESR's Heba Khalil warn against pursuing the same failed development model of the past.

Spain’s austerity criticized again in UN rights review
Spain's failure to protect economic and social rights in times of economic crisis has come under stern criticism from other states at the Universal Periodic Review.

As states gear up for the post-2015 negotiations, CESR asks 'Who's afraid of accountability?'
UN presentation: CESR's Kate Donald recently spoke at a UN forum, challenging states on their aversion to accountability for development commitments.

Spain under scrutiny at United Nations
Press release: On January 21 the Spanish government will be held to account for its human rights record at the Universal Periodic Review

2015: a seminal year for human rights and sustainable development?
Joint statement: The Post-2015 Human Rights Caucus assesses the good and the not-so-good in the UN Secretary General's 'Synthesis Report on post-2015 development'.

States must not restrict people's participation in post-2015 process
CESR and its allies have sent a joint letter to the UN Representatives for Ireland and Kenya, who are facilitating the next phase of negotiations on the post-2015 sustainable development agenda.

Secretary General must prioritize rights-based financing in post-2015 agenda
The Righting Finance initiative has submitted a letter to the UN Secretary General concerning the financing issues at stake in his forthcoming report for the post-2015 talks.

Amid crackdown, UN calls on Egypt to protect civil society space
Press release: The Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review mechanism has called on Egypt to put an end to repression of civil society voices.

After threats, Egyptian organizations decide not to participate in UPR
Press release: The joint press release reproduced here has been issued by CESR's partners in Egypt in the light of their decision not to attend the country's appearance before the UPR.

Egypt to answer to UN for deteriorating human rights conditions
Press release: Egypt comes before the Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review mechanism amid worsening deprivation and a crackdown on civil society space in the country.

Submission to UN Advisory Group on Data Revolution for Sustainable Development
CESR has delivered a submission to the UN Secretary-General's Independent Expert Advisory Group on the Data Revolution for Sustainable Development.

From Rhetoric to Remedy: human rights in the struggle against poverty
Panel discussion: CESR and the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice (CHRGJ) invite you to a panel discussion on the role of human rights in combatting poverty.

The post-2015 agenda won't deliver without human rights at the core
The open letter reproduced here has been sent to the Incoming President of the General Assembly of the United Nations, H.E. Sam Kutesa, by the Post-2015 Human Rights Caucus.

Transforming the development agenda requires more, not less, attention to human rights
Writing for Open Global Rights, CESR's Ignacio Saiz and Radhika Balakrishnan of the Center for Women's Global Leadership discuss the role of human rights in post-2015 development.

Human rights for all in sustainable development: Is the post-2015 process really delivering?
Side event: On Thursday 11 September, a side event at the United Nations in New York will assess how well the post-2015 process so far has reflected the requirements of human rights.

Strengthening joint action to protect the right to health of undocumented migrants
Joint statement: Amnesty International, CESR, Medicos del Mundo and Red Acoge have issued a joint statement denouncing Spain's non-compliance with its human rights obligations.

CESR pays tribute to Odindo Opiata
CESR is deeply saddened by the loss of our ally and friend Odindo Opiata, one of Kenya's most important human rights defenders.