Showing 1 to 30 of 36 results

A11 and CESR Prompt UN Committee to Scrutinize Austerity Measures in Serbia
A joint report illustrates how the austerity measures introduced by Serbia since 2014 violate the State’s human rights obligations.

Forging Tools for Fiscal Justice in the Andean Region
Since 2016, CESR has worked with civil society partners in Peru and Colombia to build greater consensus on how public resources can be more equitably generated and distributed, in line with human rights obligations.

Manuals & Guides, Publications
An Advocacy Toolkit for Fiscal Justice and Human Rights
The Advocacy Toolkit assists civil society organizations who want to leverage human rights standards and strategies in their pursuit of accountability for injustices rooted in economic policy.

Co-designing and Threat-modeling Accountability Tools for Restricted Civic Spaces: the Egypt Social Progress Indicators Platform
CESR staffers will be at #RightsCon next week in Tunis and on June 13th will host a session on "Co-designing and Threat-modeling Accountability Tools for Restricted Civic Spaces."
Panel on Accountability Dimension: Social Protection as a Tool for the Reduction of Inequalities
Kate Donald participates in a panel discussion on "Accountability Dimension: Social Protection as a Tool for the Reduction of Inequalities."

Do Metrics Matter? Accountability for Economic and Social Rights in Post- Revolution Egypt
In Economic and Social Rights in a Neoliberal World, Allison Corkery and Heba Khalil identify the ways in which quantification can help build civil society power while challenging neoliberalism in Egypt.

High-Level Political Forum 2018: An opportunity to bring the SDGs back on track?
At the High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development at the UN, CESR will advocate for reorienting SDG implementation so it is compatible with human rights and fiscal justice.

OPERA Stories: Advancing rights implementation in Kenya
This first blog in our “OPERA Stories” series highlights NGO Hakijamii's use of OPERA, our analytic framework, to support rights-claiming in Kenya.

Egypt: New rights-based metric measures social and development progress
A new metric, developed jointly by CESR and its partners in Egypt, offers a more multidimensional view of the socioeconomic situation in Egypt and its human impacts.

Two years on, can human rights rescue the 2030 Agenda?
Two years since the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development came into force, a “business as usual” approach to implementation risks betraying its lofty ambition to “transform our world.”

Kenya: Using OPERA to ensure UN recommendations are met
While UN human rights bodies are issuing stronger recommendations on ESCR, CESR works with national partners around the world to build up implementation tracking mechanisms.

Sharp data skills and strategic venue choices key to claiming ESCR
CESR workshopped with multiple European partners in Riga, Latvia to strengthen national human rights institutes' capacity to increase skills for handling ESCR complaints and monitoring socioeconomic policies.

Will accountability be left behind at SDG review forum?
As the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) convenes this week, Kate Donald and Lena Kahler examine whether Agenda 2030 will live up to its promise to “leave no one behind”.

Promising the World: Accountability and the SDGs
There is one critical area where the SDGs fall dangerously short – accountability. Read the new blog by Kate Donald, Director of CESR's Human Rights in Development Program.

Malaysia: new report on right to education for disabled children has important lessons for government
The National Human Rights Commission of Malaysia and CESR are working to ensure children with disabilities are not denied their right to education.

Strong commitments in final SDG text, despite sordid final compromises
Kate Donald, Director of CESR's Human Rights in Sustainable Development Program, reflects on some tense negotiations and the resulting agreement for post-2015 development.

Evading accountability post-2015 will eviscerate agenda's ambition
After last week's financing for development talks left both civil society and developing countries frustrated, CESR's Kate Donald looks ahead to this week's post-2015 talks at the UN.

Breaking the accountability taboo in SDG negotiations
Blog: Kate Donald, Director of CESR's Human Rights in Development program, reflects on recent dynamics in the post-2015 talks.

SDGs merely dead letters without fiscal justice and human rights
Unless governments agree to concrete tax and budgetary commitments which ensure robust, equitable and accountable fiscal foundations for sustainable development, the SDGs are likely to fail.

Human rights 'non-negotiable' on post-2015 agenda, says global civil society
Thousands of civil society organizations gathered at the UN headquarters have issued a strong call for human rights to be at the heart of the post-2015 development agenda.

Gaza's humanitarian crisis: what comes next?
The announcement of a long-term ceasefire in Gaza marks the beginning of a difficult reconstruction process.

Will High-Level Forum rise to accountability challenge?
The High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development Goals is tackling one of the most crucial, and controvesial, issues in post-2015 development negotiations - accountability.

Strictly business: national rights institutions and the private sector
National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) have a critical part to play in making sure the private sector be called to account for its impact on human rights.

Will post-2015 development proposals meet the Human Rights Litmus Test?
CESR's Niko Lusiani addresses the UN, setting out the criteria of a 'Human Rights Litmus Test' for post-2015 sustainable development proposals.

OPERA in the Occupied Territories
CESR is working closely with Palestine's Independent Commission on Human Rights to support its efforts protect economic and social rights.

Accountability moves to the fore of the Post-2015 debate
CESR contributes to United Nations discussions on monitoring and accountability in the post-2015 development agenda.

Civil society rallies to prevent privatization of post-2015 process
The private sector is threatening to drown out civil society's demands for a human rights-based sustainable development framework.

Ireland: Post-crisis Constitutional Convention calls for economic and social rights
Consultations have revealed overwhelming support for incorporation of ESCR provisions in the crisis-hit country's constitution.

Putting rights at the centre of 'data revolution'
Speaking at a UNDP conference on 'Data and Accountability', CESR's Allison Corkery sets out the rights issues at stake in informational planning for the post-2015 era.

Visions and Voices for Human Rights
Forum summary: On 24 September 2013 CESR and its partners organized a side event at the UN General Assembly to discuss integration of human rights into the post-2015 sustainable development agenda.