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The International Convenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Authoredby Jeff King, the purpose of this manual is to serve activists andstudents. This service is expected to unfold in three ways: (1)primarily as a manual for reporting to the Committee on Economic,Soical and Cultural Rights; (2) as a resource for students,particularly those in remote locations with less access to the Internetand large English language libraries; and (3) as an educational tool intraning workshops, particularly for practical topics.

New U.S. Training Material on the Right to Education

Five printable flyers prepared by CESR for the Independent Commission on Public Education, New York City Trainings

Human Rights Advocacy: How Can We Use Human Rights in the U.S.?

From the Independent Commission on Public Education, New York City

In the United States, it is hard to use direct legal action to enforce human rights obligations. The U.S. hasnot ratified the several major human rights treaties, including thoseprotecting the right to education. As a result, international treatieshave not become part of our domestic law and do not provide a cause ofaction in court. Even when the U.S. doesratify a treaty, Congress makes what are called ???reservations,??????understandings??? and ???declarations??? that prevent individuals from usingthe treaties in U.S. courts. So, what are other ways that can we use human rights in the U.S.?

Ms. Institute Workshop: Understanding and Using an Economic Human Rights Model

Chris Grove gave this workshop on applying the ESCR framework to human rights work in the United States in Fall 2003 for the Ms. Institute in Austin, Texas.

Understanding and Using Human Rights for The Parent Action Committee

This workshop was given as part of CESR'sactivities in the United States. It focuses on the right to education,and is meant for advocates and organizers who work on education.

Documenting Economic Human Rights Violations

CESR Training for PPEHRC Steering Committee Meeting, given in Minneapolis, MN from August 5-7, 2002.

Teach In - The Aftershocks of 9/11: Reflections on the Crisis & Moving Forward

Education,reflection and action on the aftermath of September 11. Prominentpublic intellectuals will speak on key interrelated issues with a focuson understanding the political and historical context of the currentcrisis and moving forward to achieve justice.

Great Expectations, Bitter Realities: Human Rights Abuse and Economic Decline under the Oslo Process

TheCenter for Economic and Social Rights (CESR) is convening one-dayworkshops entitled "Great Expectations, Bitter Realities: EconomicDecline and Human Rights Abuse under the Oslo Process" in New York andWashington DC this April.

Workshop on Oil, the Envrionment, and Human Rights

This workshop was given by Chris Jochnick, a CESR co-founder, in Lima, Peru from November 15-17, 1996.