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Peru (2)

CESR Letter to the Editor (The New York Times)

To the Editor:

That previous US Ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk (Op-Ed Aug. 8)can purport to offer solutions to the escalating Israeli-Palestiniancrisis without once mentioning the word ???occupation??? testifies to theextraordinary pro-Israel bias in US policy.

CESR Statement on Peru before the Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights

This statement on Peru was made to the Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights at the UN in April, 1997.

Las negociaciones y el Derecho de Participaci??n

Taller sobre Petroleo, el Medio Ambiente, el los Derechos Humanos
(Lima, 15-17 Nov., 1996)
Charla de Chris Jochnick, Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR)

Workshop on Oil, the Envrionment, and Human Rights

This workshop was given by Chris Jochnick, a CESR co-founder, in Lima, Peru from November 15-17, 1996.