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All human rights impose the threelevels of state obligations ??? respect, protect and fulfill ??? which includeboth negative and positive obligations. The negative obligation (the obligation to respect) requires governmentsto refrain from harming the human rights of individuals.  From a policy monitoring perspective, thisrequires refraining from implementing policies or programs that wouldnegatively affect people???s rights e.g. avoiding development projects that wouldresult in forced eviction.  Theobligation to protect requires governments to protect their citizens or people intheir territories from the negative actions of non-state actors (such ascorporations).  The positive obligation(the obligation to fulfill) requires governments to take positive actions (whetherlegislative, administrative, judicial, budgetary or other) to create theconditions necessary to improve the realization of human rights over time.  This table shows on which type of obligation each methodology focuses.

 Respect  Protect  Fulfill
Anderson 2008  X
Balakrishnan and Elson 2008  X  X  X
Felner/CESR 2008  X
Fukuda-Parr et al. 2008  X
OHCHR 2008 "MDGs"  X  X  X
OHCHR 2008 "Indicators"  X  X  X
LaBerge/UNDP 2008  X
Hunt and MacNoughton 2006  X  X  X
FAO 2008 Vol. 1  X  X  X
FAO 2008 Vol. 2  X  X  X
Foresti et al. 2009  X  X  X
Ruggie 2007  X
People's Health Movement 2006  X  X  X
Riedel 2006  X  X  X
IACHR 2008  X
DeBeco 2009  X