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Which human rights are affected by the economic crisis?


World Bank: Crisis Prompts Big Rise in Health and Education Financing

World Bank: "Aggregate Economic Shocks, Child Schooling and Child Health" By Francisco H.G. Ferreira and Norbert Schady. World Bank Development Research Group, Poverty and Human Development and Public Services Team. Policy Research Working Paper 4701.


World Bank: Crisis Prompts Big Rise in Health and Education Financing

World Bank: "Aggregate Economic Shocks, Child Schooling and Child Health" By Francisco H.G. Ferreira and Norbert Schady. World Bank Development Research Group, Poverty and Human Development and Public Services Team. Policy Research Working Paper 4701.

WHO: "Information Note/2009: High-Level Consultation on the Financial and Economic Crisis and Global Health"

WHO: financial crisis page


FAO: The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2009. Economic crises - impacts and lessons learned

UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food: Global financial crisis, volatile food prices, make agricultural focus urgent, UN human rights food expert tells UN Commission on Sustainable Development, 7 May 2009

FAO: "FAO-OECD to weigh investments against hunger: Action needed now to avert future famines" 4 May 2009

FAO: " Financial crash could deepen food crisis - FAO: Protectionism, less aid not a solution" 15 Oct 2008

Institute of Development Studies: Hossain, N, Eyben, R et al (2009) 'Accounts of Crisis: Poor People's Experiences of the Food, Fuel and Financial Crises in Five Countries', Brighton: IDS


ILO: Women in Labour Markets: Measuring Progress and Identifying Challenges. 2010

Eurodad: Doing a decent job? IMF policies and decent work in times of crisis.  2009

Oxfam: Women Workers Pay the Price for the Global Economic Crisis

ILO: A Global Policy Package to Address the Global Crisis 2008

ILO: Impactos de la crisis mundial en el mercado laboral de Centroam??rica y Rep??blica Dominicana

ILO: "The Financial and Economic Crisis: A Decent Work Response?" 2009


UN Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, and on the right to non-discrimination in this context: HRC 10: UN expert on housing issues report on the financial crisis
Statement to the Human Rights Council
9 March 2009

Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE): "Women around the world bear the brunt of the global economic and housing crisis" 8 March 2009 

"Human Rights in the Age of Obama" an interview with Ajamu Baraka, Executive Director of the US Human Rights Network on housing, direct action, and why human rights are relevant during the recession. 15 December 2009.

Adequate Standard of Living

Independent Expert on Human Rights and Extreme Poverty - Magdalena Sepulveda: "The Impact of the Global Economic and Financial Crises on the Universal Realization and Effective Enjoyment of Human Rights". 20 February 2009


IFIs Latin American Monitor: The World Bank in Times of Crisis - too many committments and few disbursements.  October 2009

World Bank: "Global Monitoring Report 2009: A Development Emergency"

World Bank: "The Economic Crisis and the Millennium Development Goals"

World Bank: "Averting a Human Crisis During the Global Downturn: Policy Options from the WB's Human Development Network" Conference Edition

ILO: "Shortening the Global Recession, Accelerating Recovery and Setting Source for Inclusive and Sustainable World Development" Statement by ILO Director-General to IMF. 25-26 April 2009

Institute of Development Studies: "China and Africa - Development Cooperation in the Era of Global Financial Crisis"

Institute of Development Studies: McCulloch, N., Schmidt, A. and Sumner, A. (2009) 'Will the Global Financial Crisis Change the Development Paradigm?', IDS Focus Policy Briefing 7.10, Brighton: IDS

UNDP: "Financial Crisis and its Impact on Developing Countries"

Dr. Cephus Lumina, current Independent Expert on the effects of foreign debtand other related international financial obligations of States on thefull enjoyment of all human rights, particularly economic, social andcultural rights: "Contribution to UN Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development"

Civil and Political Rights

Amnesty International - 2009 Annual Report "State of the World's Human Rights"