Session 1: TAKING STOCK: Progress and challenges for ESC rights monitoring
- Taking stock of advances in treaty body monitoring (abstract) (Eibe Riedel, UN CESCR)
- Surveying the field of ESC rights monitoring: an OHCHR perspective (abstract) (Christian Courtis, OHCHR)
- Economics & Rights: interdisciplinary monitoring approaches (abstract) (Radhika Balakrishnan, CWGL)
- Reflections on AI??s ESC rights monitoring a decade after Dakar (abstract) (Rajat Khosla, AI)
- Methodological challenges in ESCR monitoring in complex environments (powerpoint presentation) (Elijah Odhiambo, Hakijamii)
Session 2. TAKING STOCK: Lessons learnt from litigation
- Evidentiary challenges in ESC rights adjudication, domestic & international (abstract) (Bruce Porter, SRAC)
- Adjudicating ???progressive realization??? in the South African context (powerpoint presentation) (abstract) (Jackie Dugard, SERI)
- Combining quantitative and qualitative evidentiary methods: a practical case study (powerpoint presentation) (Mart??n Sigal, ACIJ)
- The Judgment Watch Monitoring Tool (powerpoint presentation) (abstract) (Malcolm Langford, NCHR)
Session 3. METHODS IN FOCUS: Rights-based indicators
- The OHCHR indicators framework (powerpoint presentation) (Grace Sanico, OHCHR)
- Indicators to monitor investment in social protection (powerpoint presentation) (abstract) (summary article) (Simone Cecchini, CEPAL)
- Towards rights-based MDG indicators for water & sanitation (powerpoint presentation) (abstract) (Inga Winkler, GIHR)
- Lessons learned in applying right to education indicators (powerpoint presentation) (abstract) (Bailey Grey, RTE Project)
- Quantifying Vulnerability to Sexual Violence in Haiti???s IDP Camps (powerpoint presentation) (abstract) (Justin Simeone, NYU)
Session 4. METHODS IN FOCUS: Rights-based budget and cost analysis
- State of play in applied budget monitoring (powerpoint presentation) (abstract) (Ann Blyberg, IHRIP/IBP)
- Budget monitoring from an ESCR perspective: lessons learnt from practical application (abstract) (Aoife Nolan, University of Durham)
- Financing the right to education: evidence from India (powerpoint presentation) (abstract) (Anugula Reddy, NUEPA)
- Insights gained from INESC??s budget and human rights methodology (powerpoint presentation) (Alexandre Ciconello, INESC)
- Counting Costs: Quantifying the effects of forced eviction and displacement (powerpoint presentation) (abstract) (Joseph Schechla, HIC-HLRN)
Session 5. FRAMING FULFILMENT: Quantitative monitoring of progressive realization
- Evaluating state performance to improve human well-being by the metric of human rights (powerpoint presentation) (abstract) (Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, New School)
- Crafting policy regimes that advance ESCR: evidence from a multivariate analysis (powerpoint presentation) (abstract) (Susan Randolph, University of Connecticut)
- Using GDP as proxy for resources (powerpoint presentation) (abstract) (Terra Lawson, New School)
- Monitoring MDG compliance on water and sanitation using Maximum Available Resources (powerpoint presentation) (abstract) (Edward Anderson, UEA, and Malcolm Langford, NCHR)
Session 6. FRAMING FULFILMENT: The OPERA framework
- OPERA: A framework for integrating quantitative and qualitative tools to monitor the obligation to fulfil ESCR (powerpoint presentation) (Allison Corkery, CESR)
- Operationalizing OPERA: lessons learnt from practical application (Sally Anne Way, CESR/University of Essex)
Related documents:
The OPERA framework (draft copy)
Case study: Assessing public policies from a human rights perspective: the use of available resources to realize the rights to health, education and food in Guatemala
Session 7. NEW HORIZONS: Opportunities ahead
- Monitoring ESC rights in times of economic crisis and recession (abstract) (Introductory presentation: Ros McKenna, AI Ireland) (powerpoint presentation)
- Rights-based metrics and the post-2015 development agenda
(Introductory presentation: Joachim Nahem, UNDP) - Monitoring in the context of the ICESCR Optional Protocol mechanism
(Introductory presentation: Sandra Ratjen, ICJ)