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Certifying International Worker Rights: A Practical Alternative [pdf] by Jerome Levinson
This paper advocates requiring the U.S. Department of Labor to give a certification to countries that protect basic workers rights. No preferential trade status or investment decision could be made concerning a particular country until the Department of Labor granted this certification.

???Right to Work??? States Are Really Restricted Rights States [pdf]
An explanation of the real meaning behind so-called ???right to work??? laws that exist in 22 states.


Congress of South African Trade Unions
COSATU waslaunched in December 1985 after four years of unity talks betweenunions opposed to apartheid and committed to a non-racial, non-sexistand democratic South Africa. It currently represents over two millionworkers.

International Labour Organization (ILO)
The International Labour Organization is the U.N. specialized agency which seeks the promotion of social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights.

The Work Trauma Foundation
TheWork Trauma Foundation is committed to eradication physical and/oremotional workplace violence and interrelated psychosocial problems inthe workplace resulting in work trauma, by establishing a culture ofdignity and respect in the workplace in South Africa and globally.


Chinese Staff and Workers??? Association
CSWA started in 1979 with mostly male restaurant workers, but rapidly expanded to include garment and construction workers, caregivers, disabled workers, retirees, and youth. Today CSWA has a membership of over 1,300 workers from various trades and ages, injured and non-injured, documented and undocumented and a leadership composed primarily of women.

Coop America???s Guide to Ending Sweatshops & Promoting Fair Trade
An online guide including practical tips and numerous educational resources on sweatshops and fair trade products.

National Mobilization Against Sweatshops
NMASS is a workers membership organization founded by young working people in 1996 in New York City. Now, in 2004, it has two Workers??? Centers -- one in Brooklyn and one in the Lower East Side of Manhattan -- and members and supporters all over the country.

United Students Against Sweatshops
United Students Against Sweatshops is an international student movement of campuses and individual students fighting for sweatshop free labor conditions and workers??? rights.

The USA???s Independent Rank and File Union
The United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America is a democratic national union representing some 35,000 workers in a wide variety of manufacturing, public sector and private non-profit sector jobs.