Governments, according to this pervasive myth, are at fault for the economic collapse because of their profligate overspending which led to unwieldy deficits, crowding out of private sector initiatives and thus widespread economic malaise. In the EU context, some argue, it was the fiscal indulgence of the so-called ???Profligate Five??????Ireland, Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy???which drew down the whole regional economy. Government overspending being the diagnosis, deep cuts to public expenditure??????slimming the State??????is considered the only obvious cure. So goes the conventional analysis of EU economic policy-making, as most recently captured by the EU Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance adopted by 25 EU states in February. This Treaty effectively which obliges all signatory states to enshrine a permanently balanced budget, or face exclusion from future crisis financing from the European Stability Mechanism. The ceiling for annual structural deficits, set at 0.5% of GDP, can only be raised in a severe economic downturn or other ???exceptional circumstances??? to be defined by the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg, which would have the right to fine governments whose deficits rise above that deficit ceiling.
Did you know? Reality Check
In fact, today???s high public deficits in almost all cases do not stem from overspending. None of the 12 significant eurozone members in the 8 years before the crisis, for example, were in any significant debt, except Greece. Two of the hardest hit countries???Ireland and Spain???had budget surpluses in fact, in stronger fiscal positions than France, Germany and Austria. Deficits in most countries came as a consequence, not a cause of the crisis. Existing debt in most crisis-affected countries, in contrast to the myth, came as a direct consequence of the 1) bank bailouts to rescue the private financial sector from bankruptcy, 2) crisis-induced reductions in revenue collection, and to a lesser degree, 3) necessary economic stimulus programs, some of which paid for themselves through benefits to the larger economy. The existing deficits on the whole are symptoms, in other words, of crisis, not the cause.
Going deeper then beyond the symptoms, what were the structural, root causes of the 2008 financial crisis to begin with? Although the causes of the 2008 financial crisis are myriad and hotly debated, two underlying structural causes of the financial crisis are broadly cited ??? namely deregulation, and income inequality. First, successive waves of de-regulation of financial activities is widely agreed to have been a major contributing factor.
A second broadly-cited root cause of the financial crisis was also in full play in the lead up to the 2008 financial meltdown: growing income and wealth inequality. The story reads like a perfect storm. In the three decades preceding the crisis, the top 1% of income earners in the US---the epicenter of the 2008 financial crisis???doubled their share of the national income to almost 16% - the highest level of inequality of wealth distribution since 1929 before the Great Crash. As top income earners reaped increasing gains from economic growth, their wealth went relatively little to creating demand for goods and services, but instead was funneled into de/under-regulated, high-risk, shaky investments such as derivatives. Low- and middle-income households facing decreasing purchasing power over the same period, meanwhile, must either limit their purchases (???belt-tightening for people who cannot afford belts??? in Jeffrey Sachs??? apt adage), or go deeper into debt. For those with credit available, especially in their homes, the solution is simple. Household debt levels skyrocketed, doubling in the 1980s to over 100% of GDP before the crisis broke out. The combination of skyrocketing household debt and ever-riskier and un-supervised investments created a toxic cocktail in the US we are all still struggling to recover from. It was the combination of this rapid accumulation of capital at the top, and the simultaneous explosion of debt at the bottom, which generated a level of intense financial fragility and risk not seen since the Great Depression???a key contributing factor to financial crisis as soon as debts became unsustainable and debt defaults began according to IMF researchers and the UN Commission of Experts on Reforms of the International Monetary and Financial System led by Nobel prize winning economist, Joseph Stiglitz.
Yet, the fiscal austerity policies adopted in many countries today wrongly see deficits as the biggest short-term problem, rather than anemic demand for goods and services???the ultimate pillar of growing employment and revenue generation. The slashing of public expenditure in healthcare, education, social protection and job programs required in these policies are making everyone pay disproportionately for a budget crisis they had no hand in creating. An austerity-driven, double-dip recession is now all but upon many countries???an austerity trap expected to spawn ever-higher unemployment, fewer revenues for governments, and justification for further cutbacks in social services precisely when they are most needed.
Human rights response:
A human rights-centered alternative to simply treating the symptoms of the enduring financial and economic crisis is to address some of the structural causes???chief among them, financial de-regulation and income inequality. Government???s essential duties to protect human rights through adequate financial regulation and, to fulfill human rights through fair, progressive and non-discriminatory policies to combat income inequality would both go a long way in the rights direction.