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Manuals on ESC rights from other organisations

Here you can find very helpful manuals produced giving an introduction to ESC rights, as well as manuals that draw links to other issues, such as 'ESC Rights and Minorities':


Circle of Rights :  This online Manual provides an introduction to ESC Rights and is a useful training resource for ESC rights activists. 

Human rights for human dignity: Aprimer on economic, social and cultural rights. Amnesty International (2005)

Promoting and Defending Economic, Social and Cultural Rights : A Handbook (2000) :  This online manual written Allan McChesney for AAAS and HURIDOCS also provides a useful introduction to ESC rights.

Thesaurus of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights :  This great online resource also produced by AAAS provides an interactive guide to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: A Guide for Minorities and Indigenous Peoples: From the organization, Minority Rights Group International, this guide is directed towards minority rights activists.

Haki Zetu. ESC rights in Practice. A collaborative publication between Amnesty International Netherlands, ACORD, Hakijamii, Foundation for Human Rights and Democracy, Uganda Debst Network.