Here you can find very helpful manuals produced giving an introduction to ESC rights, as well as manuals that draw links to other issues, such as 'ESC Rights and Minorities':
Circle of Rights : This online Manual provides an introduction to ESC Rights and is a useful training resource for ESC rights activists.
Human rights for human dignity: Aprimer on economic, social and cultural rights. Amnesty International (2005)
Promoting and Defending Economic, Social and Cultural Rights : A Handbook (2000) : This online manual written Allan McChesney for AAAS and HURIDOCS also provides a useful introduction to ESC rights.
Thesaurus of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights : This great online resource also produced by AAAS provides an interactive guide to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: A Guide for Minorities and Indigenous Peoples: From the organization, Minority Rights Group International, this guide is directed towards minority rights activists.
Haki Zetu. ESC rights in Practice. A collaborative publication between Amnesty International Netherlands, ACORD, Hakijamii, Foundation for Human Rights and Democracy, Uganda Debst Network.