Letter to Minister Ben-Ami
This letter was sent on behalf of three groups to Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sholomo Ben-Ami in February 2000.
Appeal for Action in Support of the Petition of Twenty
TheCenter for Economic and Social Rights (CESR) is outraged at the seriesof grave human rights abuses carried out by Palestinian authorities inresponse to the ???Petition of Twenty.??? The recent beating of PalestinianLegislative Council (PLC) member Abdel Jawad Saleh is indicative of therepressive tactics utilized by the Palestinian National Authority (PNA)to suppress any legitimate opposition to its authoritarian rule withinthe Oslo process.
Vision Statement 1997 - The Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights Alliance
Thevision statement for an alliance of economic, social, and culturalrights groups was written by participants at the Woodstock, New Yorkmeeting in October 1997.
CESR Submission to the Committee on the Rights of the Child: Consideration of Report by Ecuador
Committee on the Rights of the Child
19th Session
The Quito Declaration
Preface to the Quito Declaration
Distribucion de los Ingresos y Derechos Humanos Mesa Redonda
Durantetres a??os he tenido el mandato de la Subcomisi??n para estudiar larelaci??n entre la distribuci??n de los ingresos y los Derechos Humanos.He analizado las cifras y el comportamiento de las sociedades en las??ltimas d??cadas en especial de estos ??ltimos 10 a??os, per??odo de unamayor globalizaci??n de la econom??a, comunicaciones y valores alrededordel mundo.
CESR Op-Ed: No Exit in Iraq, by Roger Normand
Secretaryof State Madeleine Albright recently insisted that sanctions will notbe lifted until Saddam Hussein is removed from power, while at the sametime declaring that the US military will never commit the ground forcesnecessary to accomplish this. With Hussein and his inner circle morefirmly in control than ever, and the Iraqi people crippled by sevenyears of devastating sanctions, the US position effectively meanssanctions without end.
CESR Statement on Peru before the Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights
This statement on Peru was made to the Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights at the UN in April, 1997.