New CESR Report Documents Extensive U.S. War Crimes in Iraq
Purported "Transfer of Sovereignty" Condemned as Farce, Despite UN Resolution
Beyond Torture: U.S. Violations of Occupation Law in Iraq
Click here for the pdf version[402 kb]
U.S. MEDIA TARGET IRAQ: What's the truth about sanctions, war & international law?
In May 2002, FAIR hosted this talk by Roger Normand, CESR co-founder.
CESR Interview: Roger Normand on This is Hell with Chuck Mertz
CESR executivedirector Roger Normand discussed President Bush's contempt forinternational law, the legality of the war with Iraq, and the captureof Saddam. <a href="
CESR Interview: Roger Normand on WBAI
The topic of this December 2003 interview was Iraq.
"Resisting Empire" with Special Guest Speakers: Tariq Ali, Lou Plummer, Sarah Zaidi, Gilbert Achcar, Meredith Kolodner
In December 2003, CESR co-sponsored this talk together with International Socialist Review, Verso Books, and Monthly Review.
In October, 2003, CESR co-hosteda talk with Tariq Ali and Amy Goodman in New York City. Other sponsorsof the talk included Verso, Campus Antiwar Network, and the MuslimStudents Association.
Water Under Siege in Iraq: US/UK Military Forces Risk Committing War Crimes by Depriving Civilians of Safe Water
PDF fileof the report by the Center for Economic and Social Rights charges thatthe United States and United Kingdom risk committing war crimes bydepriving Iraqi civilians of safe water.
Water Under Siege in Iraq
US/UK Military Forces Risk Committing War Crimes by Depriving Civilians of Safe Water
CESR Editorial: The Second American Revolution, by Roger Normand and Jan Goodwin
Weare in the midst of a new American revolution. The task at handaccording to the Pentagon???s own official documents, is nothing lessthan establishing ???full spectrum dominance??? of a ???unipolar world.???