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Events 4

Protest Israeli Violence Against Palestinians

October 6, 2000; 5pm; Times Square (42nd St. and Broadway), New York City

click here for a flyer

Protest Against Shimon Peres

Wewill be calling for the implementation of international law and humanrights law which have been abandoned under the Oslo "Peace" Process.Peres was a key architect of the Oslo Accords. Among our demands arethe right of return for Palestinian refugees, dismantling ofsettlements, lifting of closure, etc.

Protest Against Israeli Foreign Minister

What:Protest against Shlomo Ben-Ami, Israel???s Minister of Foreign Affairs,who is speaking at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). CFR isa prominent think-tank linked to the US government. Ben-Ami???s talk isentitled ???Israel???s Continuing Efforts to Achieve a Final StatusAgreement with the Palestinians.???

End the War: Come to the A6 Rally in DC

August 5-7,2000 Rally to End the War in Iraq