Showing 13 results

OPERA in Practice: Human Rights in Ireland's Economic Meltdown
CESR analyzed Ireland’s economic crisis and subsequent austerity policies.
OPERA in Practice: case studies applying CESR's monitoring framework
CESR presents four new case studies – from Kenya, Ireland, Angola, and Egypt – illustrating some of the diverse ways our OPERA Framework for monitoring economic and social rights can be applied.

Ireland: Post-crisis Constitutional Convention calls for economic and social rights
Consultations have revealed overwhelming support for incorporation of ESCR provisions in the crisis-hit country's constitution.

Balancing the books, but neglecting the people
Op-Ed: CESR Executive Director Ignacio Saiz, writing in the Irish Examiner, examines the parallel patterns of retrogression stemming from Ireland and Spain's respective austerity programs.

CESR backs Irish civil society's call for rights in constitutional convention
Joint letter: CESR has joined Irish civil society in calling for public participation and the inclusion of ESCR in the forthcoming constitutional convention.

Ireland: Austerity must not trump human rights in constitutional reforms
CESR Executive Director Ignacio Saiz unpacks the human rights issues at stake in this week's referendum in Ireland on the EU Fiscal Compact.

A recovery for all? Holding Ireland's government to account
Despite repeatedly affirming its commitments to human rights, Ireland's recovery stragey has severely undermined the wellbeing of ordinary people.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Mauled by the Celtic Tiger: Human rights in Ireland's economic meltdown
A new CESR report finds that human rights in Ireland are being undermined by response measures implemented in the wake of the country's financial crisis.

Austerity and retrogression: Have governments got the right?
As a fiscal compact among European leaders furthers prejudice against ESCR, CESR joins an open letter to Spain's Prime Minister.

Ireland's economic & social rights record under the spotlight at United Nations
On Thursday October 6 Ireland will face the scrutiny of her peers at the at the UPR.

Rolling back economic and social rights to aid the banks?
Should Ireland cut the protection of economic and social rights to finance this deficit? And who is bearing the burden of these cuts?

Economic Crisis and Human Rights
At the start of the UN General Assembly's conference on the economic crisis, CESR urged world leaders to sieze the opportunity to put human rights at the centre of its global responses.

North Belfast Goes to the United Nations
Four residents from Belfast, Northern Ireland are among hundreds of people from across the globe that have traveled to the UN in Geneva this week.