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CESR in the News


8 April 2015: Writing for Open Democracy's Open Global Rights channel, CESR's Niko Lusiani explains why the human rights movement cannot stay silent about tax abuse. See: Let???s get fiscal ??? human rights advocates are tackling tax injustice

12 March 2015: Allison Corkery, Director of CESR's Rights Claiming and Accountability Program, and Heba Khalil, Deputy Director of the Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights, elucidate the shortcomings of Egypt's so-called "economic revolution" for Foreign Policy. See: Nothing new on the Nile

26 January 2015: CESR's Luke Holland, writing in The Irish Times, argues that Ireland must use its position as co-chair of the post-2015 sustainable development talks to help deliver a transformative and rights-based framework. See: Ireland can make its mark on UN development goals


15 September 2014: Writing in Open Global Rights, CESR Executive Director Ignacio Saiz and Radhika Balakrishnan, Executive Director of the Center for Women's Global Leadership, explain the crucial importance of human rights in the post-2015 development agenda. See: 'Transforming the development agenda requires more, not less, attention to human rights'

23 May 2014: As the people of Egypt go to the polls, CESR's Allison Corkery and Heba Khalil of the Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights examine the critical importance of social justice and related human rights standards in the country's delicate transition. See: Egypt must stop penalizing the poor.

15 May 2014: Writing in the Guardian Development Blog, CESR Senior Researcher Niko Lusiani and Christian Aid Senior Adviser on Poverty and Inequality Helen Dennis discuss the need for a 'fiscal revolution' to finance sustainable development in the post-2015 era. See: Only an economic revolution can defuse the global inequality timebomb

5 February 2014: In an op-ed article for Al-Jazeera, CESR Researcher and Communications Coordinator Luke Holland examines the importance of human rights standards in addressing inequality in the post-2015 development agenda. See: In pursuit of a better fairer world.


30 July 2013: Writing in Open Democracy, CESR Director Ignacio Saiz and Chairperson Alicia Yamin explain the fundamental links between human rights and social justice. See: Human rights and social justice: the in(di)visible link

25 June 2013: CESR Senior Researcher Niko Lusiania discusses the post-2015 development agenda and the significance of the anniversary of the Vienna Declaration on Austria's FM4 radio station. See: 'Vienna+20' report at:


30 November 2012: Writing the Irish Examiner, CESR Executive Director Ignacio Saiz explains the parallel patterns of retrogression in Ireland and Spain, as governments have responded to economic crisis with austerity-driven spending cuts. See: Balancing the books, but neglecting the people.

10 July 2012: As a major summit on family planning and development got underway in London, CESR Chairperson Alicia Yamin and CMI researcher Camila Gianella co-authored an opinion article for the Guardian exploring the human rights issues at stake. See: Family planning: population numbers game must add up for women.

27 June 2012: CESR Researcher and Communications Coordinator Luke Holland examines the human rights impacts of austerity measures in Spain in an opinion article for Al Jazeera. See: How austerity is eroding human rights.

15 June 2012: Following the publication of CESR's Spain factsheet, Executive Director Ignacio Saiz was interviewed by both RTVE (Spain's national broadcaster), and Radio Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

7 May 2012: In an op-ed article for Spain's newspaper of record El Pa??s, CESR Program Director Gaby Ore Aguilar explains the significance of the crisis-hit country's appearance before the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. See: Derechos sociales; el otro d??ficit (in Spanish)

7 May 2012: On the occasion of Spain's first appearance before the CESCR in over eight years, Executive Director Ignacio Saiz spoke to the newspaper El Mundo. See: Una veintena de ONG denuncia ante la ONU los recortes sociales del Gobierno (in Spanish).

May - June 2012: CESR's advocacy and outreach efforts, both in the lead-up to and after Spain's appearance before the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, provoked widespread media attention both within Spain and internationally. A pdf document listing selected articles from both the national and international press can be accessed here.

23 February 2012: Writing for Public Service Europe, CESR Researcher Luke Holland explores the human rights implications of Ireland's economic recovery measures. See: Ireland's austerity trap exacts heavy toll on human rights.

13 February 2012. Ireland's most prestigious media institution The Irish Times highlights the findings of the CESR report 'Mauled by the Celtic Tiger: Human rights in Ireland's economic meltdown. See: Recovery strategy 'ignores' rights.


14 September 2011: In an interview with Germany's international broadcaster Deutsche Welle, CESR Executive Director Ignacio Saiz explains why the current economic crisis has rapidly become a human rights crisis. See: Global financial crisis is also a human rights crisis

30 August 2011: Writing in The Guardian's global development page, CESR Chairwoman Alicia Yamin and Board Member Sakiko Fukuda-Parr examine the importance of including a human rights perspective in the post-2015 development agenda. See: Learning the lessons of the MDGs: second time round, let's get it right

June 29, 2011, Water wars: 21st century conflicts? AlJazeera

March 13, 2011, Health Care is a Basic Human Right--Almost Everywhere but Here,

March 3, 2011,  Economic and social rights must be top of the EU's agenda in Egypt and the Arab world, by CESR Executive Director Ignacio Saiz,

March 3, 2011, International Mission Focuses on Right to Food in Bolivia, reliefweb

February 1, 2011, Equatorial Guinea: oil but no rights, Africa Focus Bulletin


October 26, 2010, UNESCO Suspends Dictator Prize After Global Protest, TTKN NewsDesk

September 20, 2010, Una oportunidad para demostrar un liderazgo real sobre los derechos de la mujer, by CESR Board Chair Alicia Yamin, El Pa??s

June 17, 2010, Equatorial Guinea: "Dictator Prize" suspension only a temporary fix, Afrik News

March 18, 2010, El Consejo de DDHH de la ONU revisar?? ma??ana el informe del examen peri??dico sobre Guinea Ecuatorial, Europa Press

November 6, 2009, Presupuesto fomenta desigualdad en Guatemala,

November 6, 2009, Estudio dice que Estado guatemalteco viola los derechos econ??micos de los ciudadanos, Telediario 3 (Guatemala)

November 6, 2009, Estado guatemalteco viola los derechos econ??micos de los ciudadanos, NTN 24 (TV)

November 6, 2009, Estudio revela que Estado guatemalteco viola los derechos econ??micos de los ciudadanos, MSN Latino Noticias

November 6, 2009, Estudio dice que Estado guatemalteco viola los derechos econ??micos de los ciudadanos, Terra Noticias

November 6, 2009, Estudio revela que Estado guatemalteco viola los derechos econ??micos de los ciudadanos, Noticias Forex (Espa??a)

November 6, 2009, Gobierno viola derechos econ??micos, seg??n estudio, Nav??galo Noticias (Centroam??rica)

November 5, 2009, Estudio: presupuesto fomenta desigualdad en Guatemala, La Prensa (Riverside, Calif.)

November 5, 2009, Un estudio dice que el Estado guatemalteco viola los derechos econ??micos de los ciudadanos, Agencia EFE

November 5, 2009, Estudio: presupuesto fomenta desigualdad en Guatemala, AOL Latino Noticias

November 5, 2009, Estudio: presupuesto fomenta desigualdad en Guatemala, KGO-AM (San Francisco)

November 5, 2009, Estudio: presupuesto fomenta desigualdad en Guatemala, Yahoo Espa??a Noticias

November 5, 2009, Estudio: presupuesto fomenta desigualdad en Guatemala, La Naci??n (Costa Rica)

November 5, 2009, Estudio: presupuesto fomenta desigualdad en Guatemala, Houston Chronicle

November 5, 2009, Estudio: presupuesto fomenta desigualdad en Guatemala, Arizona Star

November 5, 2009, Estudio: presupuesto fomenta desigualdad en Guatemala, T33 (Telemundo San Diego, Calif.-Tijuana, M??xico)

November 5, 2009, Estudio: presupuesto fomenta desigualdad en Guatemala, The Southern Ledger, (United States)

November 5, 2009, Estudio dice que Estado guatemalteco viola los derechos econ??micos de los ciudadanos, El Peri??dico de M??xico

November 5, 2009, Estudio dice que el Estado guatemalteco viola los derechos econ??micos de los ciudadanos, Starmedia

November 5, 2009, Estudio: presupuesto fomenta desigualdad en Guatemala, iEspa??a

August 26, 2009, Resource Cursed, Foriegn Policy

July 13, 2009, El 'petroestado' de los Obiang, P??blico

July 13, 2009, Guinea Ecuatorial - Malabo asegura que los datos recogidos en un informe sobre el pa??s "no proceden de la ONU", MSN News

July 13, 2009, Guinea Ecuatorial - Malabo asegura que los datos recogidos en un informe sobre el pa??s "no proceden de la ONU", Yahoo! News

July 10, 2009, Malabo tacha a HRW y otras organizaciones de "chantajistas" y asegura que sus informes son "papel mojado", Europa Press

July 10, 2009, Guinea Ecuatorial se enfrenta a HRW, Cadena Ser

July 9, 2009, Sube la mortalidad infantil en Guinea Ecuatorial pese al aumentode la riqueza, ABC

July 9, 2009, Guinea Ecuatorial: riqueza petrol??fera para los dirigentes, pobreza para la poblaci??n, El Diario Exterior

July 9, 2009, Guinea Ecuatorial - Dos terceras partes de los guineanos viven en la "extrema pobreza" pese al petr??leo, seg??n un informe, El Economista

July 9, 2009, Dos terceras partes de Guinea Ecuatorial vive en la "extrema pobreza" pese al petr??leo, Sociedad.

July 9, 2009, Guinea Ecuatorial, petr??leo y extrema pobreza, Rioja 2.

July 9, 2009, Dos terceras partes de los guineanos viven en la "extrema pobreza" pese al petr??leo, seg??n un informe, Europa Press

May 25, 2009, Shell, a juicio por abusos en el delta de Nigeria, P??blico

March 30, 2009, Govt flunking vital indicators: report, The Phnom Penh Post

Note: News coverage tracking 2005-2008 is not available

June 9, 2004, One Down, U.S. Seeks Second U.N. Resolution, Thalif Deen, IPS.


April 2003, The Faces of Collateral Damage, Charlie Clements, Friends Journal

April 16, 2003, US war creates humanitarian crisis, Rohan Pearce, Green Left Weekly

April 15, 2003, Lawyers ponder US, UK 'crimes'Agence France-Presse

April 15, 2003, War crimes case planned against U.S: Washington says groups??? bid proves ICC a political tool, Steven Edwards, National Post (Canada)

April 15, 2003, Humanitarian crisis looms for Iraq, aid workers warn, Hillary Mayell, National Geographic News

April 15, 2003 Lawyers Call for Probe of Coalition Tactics in Iraq, Lawrence Morahan,

April 14, 2003, Groups Launch War Crimes Probe, Ushani Agalawatta, Inter Press Service News Agency

April 11, 2003, An illegal war, V. Sridhar, Frontline (India)

March 28, 2003, Gauging the humanitarian cost of war: America and Britain hope to limit civilian casualties, but others aren???t so optimistic, Manila Times

March 27, 2003, Professors Condemn War in Iraq at Teach-in, Margaret Hunt Gram, Columbia Spectator

March 21, 2003 Aid groups fear for vulnerable Iraqi civilians, Marie McCullough, Philadelphia Inquirer

March 21, 2003, Blue Planet: Iraq humanitarian countdown, Dan Whipple, United Press International

March 20, 2003, Council Meets, Still Resolute / UN members stand firm against war, Zachary R. Dowdy, Newsday

March 7, 2003, A disaster in the making, Charlie Clements, The Baltimore Sun

March 1, 2003, Perceptionis Everything: The West talks of a moral case for war, yet Iraqisbelieve the US has committed grave crimes against them, Terry Allen, New Scientist

February 23, 2003, U.N. says 1.25 million children at risk, Karen Kleiss, Toronto Star

February 16, 2003, Estimates of Deaths in First War Still in Dispute, Jack Kelly, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

February 16, 2003, War spells disaster for Iraqis, UN warns, Andrew Buncombe, The Independent

February 15, 2003, UN planning intensifies for humanitarian aid in case of war, Robert McMahon, Radio Free Europe

February 14, 2003 "'Grim Picture' Seen for Iraqis: The U.N. lacksresources to provide adequate food and shelter for populace in theevent of war, Annan tells Security Council envoys," Maggie Farley, Los Angeles Times

February 14, 2003 NGO says U.N. is not ready to deal with effects of war in Iraq, UN Wire

February 14, 2003 UN predicts humanitarian nightmare if war in Iraq, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

February 14, 2003 UN warns of humanitarian catastrophe if war occurs, Mark Turner, James Harding, and Frances Williams, Financial Times

February 14, 2003 Aid groups unprepared for a war, Zachary R. Dowdy, Newsday

February 13, 2003 Relief Agencies Warn of Humanitarian Aid Shortage for Iraq, Thalif Deen, Inter Press Service News Agency

February 13, 2003 U.S. Urged to Respect Geneva Convention if it Occupies Iraq, Deutsche Presse-Agentur

February 03, 2003 Baghdad awaits shock of massive high-tech attack The Irish Times

February 01, 2003 Tony Benn Brings Pipe of Peace to Baghdad Janine di Giovanni, The Times (London)

January 31, 2003 2 More Iraq Scientists Reject Private Interviews with Inspectors Ian Fisher, New York Times

January 31, 2003 U.S. bombs not only risk Iraqis faceCanadian Broadcasting Corporation

January 31, 2003 A shadow of death hangs over Baghdad Tony Weaver, Cape Times (South Africa)

January 30, 2003 Bush speech a 'Hollywood farce' offering no'evidence of substance or logic,' says party paper, Charles J. Hanley, Associated Press

January 30, 2003 Bush weighs setting Iraq deadline Assocated Press

January 30, 2003 EU Parliament Opposes U.S. Unilateral Move on IraqReuters

January 30, 2003 Iraqi civilians woefully unprepared for war Grant McCool, Reuters

January 30, 2003 Nelson Mandela Blasts Bush on Iraq, Warns of 'Holocaust' Toby Reynolds, Reuters

January 30, 2003 "NO Evidence of Iraqi Weapons Until After War" Christopher Bollyn

January 30, 2003 Unsanctioned war in Iraq could lead to end of UN: former officialCBS News Online

January 29, 2003 Apartheid minister in talks with Iraq Jan-Jan Joubert, SA

January 29, 2003 "Bush Says Hussein Concealing Weapons, Promises Proof" U.N. Wire

January 29, 2003 In Baghdad, Life Appears Untouched by Threat of War Jon Sawyer, St. Louis Post-Dispatch

January 29, 2003 Kennedy Wants Bush to Give Congress Iraq 'Evidence' Thomas Ferraro, Reuters

January 29, 2003 "South Africa Used as Disarmament Model" Ravi Nessman, Associated Press

January 29, 2003 South African Mediators Have Gone to Iraq in an Attempt to Avert War John Battersby, The Star

January 29, 2003 US Slated on 'Shocking Double Standards'The Star

January 28, 2003 Blix says 'SA set an example for Iraq' Jan Hennop, Sapa-AFP

January 28, 2003, Desert Caution, Once 'Stormin' Norman,' Gen. Schwarzkopf Is Skeptical About U.S. Action in Iraq Thomas E. Ricks, The Washington Post

January 28, 2003 "European Lawmakers to visit Iraq next week" Agence France Presse

January 28, 2003 "Iraq not only target of war, says Aziz" Michael Jansen, The Irish Times

January 28, 2003 South Africa Urges Majority UN Members to Try to Prevent War in Iraq Farah Khan, IPS News

January 28, 2003 The promise of a world free of warANC today

January 27, 2003 "A Look at Security Council's Iraq Views" Associated Press

January 27, 2003 "Civil Society Joins 'Groundswell' to avert US-led war on Iraq" British Broadcasting Corporation

January 27, 2003 "Higgins has 'positive' talks with Iraqi foreign minister" Michael Jansen, The Irish Times

January 27, 2003 Nobel winners oppose 'unilateral, preventive' war against Iraq Andrew Bridges, Associated Press

January 27, 2003 UN report on Iraq: grist for many mills Scott Peterson, The Christian Science Monitor

January 26, 2003 Report: Death, Disease Await Iraqi Kids Hamza Hendawi, Associated Press

January 25, 2003 Activists search for signs of hope Linda Slobodian, Calgary Herald

January 25, 2003 "33 European Lawmakers to go to Iraq to oppose war" Agence France Presse

January 24, 2003 "Iraq War will have 'Devastating Consequences'" Dave Eberhart, NewsMax

January 24, 2003 Lawyers warn Bush that attack on Iraq could lead to war crimes prosecutions

January 23, 2003: Former UN diplomat heading back to Iraq with peaceinitiative',Hala Boncompagni, Agence France-Presse


October 6, 2002 Caught in the Crossfire Lynda Hurst, The Toronto Star


August 7, 2000 Labour claims its actions are lawful while it bombs Iraq, starves its people and sells arms to corrupt states John Pilger, The New Statesman

August 4, 2000 It's time to end Iraqi embargo, Samaa Elibyari, The Gazette

May 17, 2000 In Mideast, Patience Wears Thin, Ilene Prusher, Christian Science Monitor


October 18, 1999 Boom???s Deadly Side Rash of Scaffolding Accidents in the City, Tom Robbins, The N.Y. Daily News

February 23, 1999 When forest people defy big oil David Aquila, Christian Science Monitor


March 7, 1998 Another Day in Babylon Maggie O???Kane, The Guardian

February 19, 1998 Bill Buying a Hungry, Desperate Nation, Juan Gonzalez, The N.Y. Daily News

February 14, 1998 Risky Strategy with Uncertain Outcome, Mark Brennock, The Irish Times

February 12, 1998 UN Sanctions, Ray Suarez, Talk of the Nation, NPR*


November 21, 1997 Sanctions, Bob Edwards, Morning Edition, NPR*


December 15, 1996 Black Gold; broken promises; Amazon???s Empty Legacy, Dudley Althaus, Houston Chronicle

September 7, 1996 Battle Joined Over Iraq, Jean Lennock, Letter to the Editor, The Guardian

September 5, 1996 Burden Falls on the Sick and the Hungry, Maggie O???Kane, The Guardian

June 7, 1996 Housing Rights a Stumbling Block, Christopher Cairns, The Scotsman

May 25, 1996 Hussein Grows Stronger While Children Die Under UN Sanctions, Cameron Stewart, The Australian

May 23, 1996 UN Oil-for-Food Deal Could Strengthen Saddam, Paul Koring, Toronto Globe

May 22, 1996 Iraqi People Welcome Oil-for-Food Deal, Stephen Powell, The Herald (Glasgow)

May 22, 1996 Iraq food-for-oil deal offers ???something for everyone,??? Roula Khalaf and Robert Corzine, Financial Times

May 18, 1996 The Wake of War, Maggie O???Kane, The Guardian

May 18, 1996 Report Condemns Sanctions on Iraq: Elite go unscathed, ordinary people go hungry, Maggie O'Kane, The Guardian

May 12, 1996 Punishing Saddam, Lesley Stahl, 60 Minutes.**


December 2, 1995 Report Blames UN Sanctions for Deaths of Iraqi Children, St Louis Post-Dispatch

December 1, 1995 UN Sanctions Blamed for Children???s Deaths, Nigel Hawkes, The Times (London)

December 1, 1995 Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports, Barbara Crossette, New York Times

September 12, 1995 Ecuadorans Wage Legal Battle Against US Oil Company, Jack Epstein, Christian Science Monitor


December 30, 1994 Iraq???s Innocents Suffer the Loss of Childhood, Felicity Arbuthnot, The Guardian

March 25, 1994 Texaco Has Left Ecuador, But Its Impact Remains, David Holmstrom, Christian Science Monitor

March 22, 1994 Texaco shares the blame for Amazon's pollution, James Brooke, New York Times


September 26, 1993 Oil and Tourism Don???t Mix, Inciting Amazon Battle, James Brooke, New York Times

August, 1993 The Sanctions Against Iraq, Victor Kocher, The Swiss Review

January 26, 1993 War debris may be killing Iraqi children, Eric Hoskins, The Toronto Star


October 20, 1992 Peace medal winner sees role for young Canadians, Bruce Demara, The Toronto Star

October 16, 1992 'Hero' doctor to get award for Iraqi aid The Toronto Star

June 16, 1992, War Still Pounds Iraqis, Ross B. Mirkarimi, Christian Science Monitor

May 25, 1992 McDougall frees Iraq cash to aid starving children, Time Harper, The Toronto Star

May 1, 1992 For Iraqi children gulf war goes on, Bruce McLeod, The Toronto Star

February 7, 1992 Gulf Fires Are Out, But Disaster Remains, Saul Bloom and Ross Mirkarimi, Christian Science Monitor

January 3, 1992 From Canada's heart, Bruce MacLeod, The Toronto Star


December 2, 1991 Iraq: Sanctions Hurting Civilians, Canadian Doctor Says, Louise Crosby, Ottowa Citizen

November 26, 1991 Education: Iraq's bleak 'famine year,' Edward Pilkington, The Guardian

October 23, 1991, Report sees crisis in health of Iraqis, Elizabeth Neuffer, Boston Globe

October 23, 1991, Study Says Iraqi Children Dying at Accelerated Rate; Malnourishment Measurable, Team Reports, David Brown, Washington Post

October 22, 1991 1 million Iraqi kids starving, study says, David Israelson, The Toronto Star

September 20, 1991 Child deaths ???have trebled??? since Gulf War, Sarah Helm, The Independent

September 11, 1991 Poverty ravaging Iraq, Canadian doctor says, The Toronto Star

June 1, 1991 Saddam???s Tenacity Will Take Toll on Iraqi People, Lawrence M. O???Rourke, St. Louis Dispatch

May 23, 1991 Iraq agrees to leave Kurds' city, Lee Michael Katz, USA Today

April 25, 1991, Students to probe war censorship; Aftermath of the Gulf War, Peter Canellos, Boston Globe