Environmental rights
Showing 1 to 12 of 12 results

CESR and allies assess the human rights impacts of hydropower project in Nepal
A group of national and international organizations joined women from the Majhi Indigenous community to call attention to the human rights impacts of the Sunkoshi Hydropower Dam.

Co-designing popular education materials on human rights and climate change: some early insights
We brought together 30 activists from mining-affected communities across South Africa to explore new ways of expanding human rights knowledge.

Forging Tools for Fiscal Justice in the Andean Region
Since 2016, CESR has worked with civil society partners in Peru and Colombia to build greater consensus on how public resources can be more equitably generated and distributed, in line with human rights obligations.

Austerity and the IMF: An Appeal for Responsibility
CESR and partners issued an urgent appeal to the IMF to halt its support for austerity measures and to assess their human rights impacts. We also brought evidence of austerity's unequal impacts to the recent IMF/World Bank Annual meetings.

Beyond Boundaries: allying human rights with other struggles for economic and social justice
Groundbreaking gathering of diverse social justice movements affirmed the need to maintain a focus on long-term systemic change and a commitment to reciprocity and mutual learning.

How much longer for a legally-binding accord on emissions reductions?
The agreement from the UN climate change negotiations in Cancún has received high praise, but also criticism of a crackdown on social justice activists. A look at the human rights implications.

Wiwa v Shell settlement just one small step toward ending corporate impunity
Shell's pay-out in the Ogoni case has been rightly hailed as a victory, but leaves impunity for rights violations unresolved (June 2009).

World's largest environmental lawsuit in Ecuador against Chevron
Ecuador's citizens seek redress for oil company's economic and social rights violations.
Publications, Reports & Briefings
Mining minerals: human rights critique on mining practices
Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development Report, March 2003.
Publications, Reports & Briefings
The Price of Gold: Gold Mining & Human Rights in Honduras
2001 report on a CESR investigation to the current operation of the gold mining industry in Honduras since the passage of the General Mining Law in November 1998.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
The Right to Health in Ecuador
In 1999 CESR investigated the impact ofthe petroleum industry on the communities of the Ecuadorian Amazon.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Rights Violations in the Ecuadorian Amazon: The Human Consequences of Oil Development
Rights Violations in the Ecuadorian Amazon: The Human Consequences of Oil Development is a 1994 report examining the role of the government of Ecuador and US oil companies in violating rights to health and a healthy environment.