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Letters, Op-Eds, and Presentations 1

CESR at the American University Roundtable: What are the Legal Claims/Remedies Being Sought by Victims of Development Projects?


One of the major problems for victims of development projects is theuse of local remedies for dealing with environmental and human rightsabuses. From my experience in Honduras the local remedies are almostnon existent due to ineffective courts, corruption and lack ofknowledge and experience in dealing with mining issues as well as lackof jurisdiction. Local remedies can be good for bringingattention/pressure to bear eg placing complaints/denunciations at theEnvironmental Ombudsman.

CESR Participation at the Justice 4 Youth Coalition Press Conference

Thecity, state and federal government have the continual responsibility torespect the human rights of children and young adults. This obligationis heightened in the public school system, where youth are fullydependent on the State to provide a secure and humane environment. TheInternational Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which the U.S. formallyrecognizes, guarantees the right to security for everyone andestablishes limits on arrest and detention. The United NationsConvention on the Rights of the Child elaborates the human rights ofyouth. It has been signed and ratified by every country in the worldexcept for the U.S. and Somalia, but is recognized as legally binding in U.S. courtsbecause of its near universal recognition. This convention includessafety and dignity as human rights in the school environment. The humanrights to safety and dignity are not exclusively limited to therelationship between students. They also refer to the schoolenvironment, which must be child-friendly and humane, promotenon-violence and allow children to develop. Furthermore, schools mustrespect the right to dignity in administering discipline.

Introductory Remarks by Roger Normand (Executive Director, CESR) at the Arundhati Roy Event

In May 2003, CESR hostedArundhati Roy, recipient of the Lannan Award for Cultural Freedom.These introductory remarks were offered by Roger Normand, CESR's Executive Director. For more information on the the event, please click here.

CESR Editorial: The Second American Revolution, by Roger Normand and Jan Goodwin

Weare in the midst of a new American revolution. The task at handaccording to the Pentagon???s own official documents, is nothing lessthan establishing ???full spectrum dominance??? of a ???unipolar world.???

Summary: Declaration of the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign on the Full Realization of Human Rights in the U.S.

Humanrights are universal and indivisible. Their realization requiresguarantees for all persons, regardless of race, gender, class, age,sexual orientation, disability, immigration, language or other statusof the complete set of rights: civil, political, economic, social, andcultural.