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CESR Board confirms Maria Ron Balsera as Executive Director

We are delighted to announce the confirmation of Dr. Maria Ron Balsera as our Executive Director. Previously serving as CESR’s Director of Program, Maria stepped into the role of Interim Executive Director in February of this year and has now been confirmed to lead CESR. With over fifteen years of expertise in linking fiscal justice to economic, social, and cultural rights, Maria significantly advances our mission of fostering systemic transformations.

Maria's career includes coordinating the Tax and Education Alliance, a partnership of international, regional, and national tax justice and education constituencies. She has held positions at ActionAid International, the Right to Education Project, Human Rights Watch, and the Universities of London (Institute of Education), Roehampton (UK), and Bielefeld (Germany). Maria holds a Ph.D. in Education and Human Development from Bielefeld University, an MSc in Human Rights from the London School of Economics, an LLM in Fundamental Rights from Universidad Carlos III, and a Diploma in Education from UC Berkeley.

Imad Sabi, CESR's Board Chair, expressed his confidence in Maria's leadership: “Maria proved her abilities in the short period of serving as Interim Executive Director. Her deep commitment to human rights and her ability to connect fiscal justice with broader economic and social rights are the right fit for CESR’s mission and future work. We are excited to have her continue leading the organization as our ED.”

We are excited to continue on this new chapter under Maria's leadership and remain committed to building a world where the economy is in service of people and the planet.