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To challenge the deep-rooted causes of economicand social injustice, advocacy efforts must address both sides of thepower divide: elite policy-makers on the one hand and disenfranchisedpopulations on the other. This means taking human rights into the hallsof power to demand accountability as well as into communities tomobilize people. Under this dual strategy, CESR???swork incorporates traditional human rights methods of "shaming"governments through publicity, lobbying, and legal procedures, as wellas activist tactics such as grassroots mobilization and educationcampaigns. Ultimately, our goal is to engage in a constructive dialoguewith all parties to bring about change.

United Nations General Assembly

CESR holds policy-makers at the local,national, and international levels accountable for economic and socialrights violations, and also works with them and the impacted communityon remedies. Through meetings and active lobbying carried out withlocal partners, these efforts bring communities into thedecision-making process on major issues that affect their lives.

CESR also bring petitions beforeinternational and regional bodies that monitor state compliance witheconomic and social rights. These procedures draw internationalattention to violations, bolster the work of local activists, and helpstrengthen international standards. CESR has also provided evidence in public interest lawsuits.

"CESR has offered critical assistance to local groups struggling forjustice in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Their most valuable contribution hasbeen strengthening the Frente and community leaders to be the centralforce in defending their own rights" -- Luis Yanza, President, Frente de Defensa de la Amazonia