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Translation Spanish: WHAT to monitor

 This table divides the methodologies by the purpose for which they are used.Most of them are meant to monitor policies, although there are alsomethodologies to monitor programs and projects.

 Policy  Program  Project
 Anderson 2008  X
 Balakrishnan and Elson 2008  X
 Felner/CESR 2008  X
 Fukuda-Parr et al. 2008  X
OHCHR 2008 "MDGs"  X X
 OHCHR 2008 "Indicators"  X
 LaBerge/UNDP 2008  X X
 Hunt and MacNoughton 2006  X

 FAO 2008 "Vol 1"

 X X
 FAO 2008 "Vol 2" X X
 Forest el al. 2009  X X X
 Ruggie 2007  X
 People's Health Movement 2006  X
 Riedel 2006  X
 IACHR 2008  X
 DeBeco 2009  X X
