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Translation Spanish: UN and other Legal Submissions 2

Presentation to the Committee on Economic, Social & Cultural Rights: Gold Mining in Honduras

This presentation was made to CESCR in connection with the fact-finding mission to Honduras investigating the gold mining industry.

UN Commission on Human Rights and the Humanitarian Crisis in Iraq

This policy brief explores the role of the Commission on Human Rights and the humanitarian situation in Iraq.

Possibilities for UN General Assembly Involvement in Iraq Crisis

This policy brief was prepared for the Iraq Sanctions Project.

Joint PNGO-CESR submission to the 19th session of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Concerning Israeli Violations of the Covenant

by the Palestine NGO Network and the Center for Economic and Social Rights, Nineteenth Session (16 November to 4 December, 1998)

CESR submission to the 19th session of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Concerning Israeli Jurisdiction in Palestinian Territories

Nineteenth Session (16 November to 4 December, 1998)