CESR and other human rights groups welcome Spain???s ratification of the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. In doing so, Spain is the first country in Europe to become party to the OP, a UN complaint mechanism adopted two years ago to allow people to seek justice from the United Nations if their right to adequate housing, food, water, health education or any other ESC right is violated by their government.
In addition to Spain, Ecuador and Mongolia have ratified the Protocol. 30 other countries have signed the Protocol, thereby indicating their intention to ratify but ratification is necessary to make the treaty legally binding. At least 10 states must ratify the Optional Protocol for it to enter into force.
Spain???s ratification comes at a critical juncture for the state to confirm its commitment to ESC rights both domestically and abroad. Spanish Prime Minister Zapatero recently attended the MDG Summit in New York, where he affirmed (LINK) the country???s pledge to increase overseas development assistance rates 0.7 per cent GNP by 2015 despite cuts in the country???s foreign aid earlier this year.
At the same time, the United Nations Human Rights Council adopted (link) Spain???s Universal Periodic Review outcomes this week. Focus of the UPR was drawn on discrimination and xenophobia, migrant rights, human trafficking, torture and the condition of detention centers, particularly for unaccompanied minors. Spain was encouraged to ratify the Convention on the Rights of Migrants. (link)
In a joint statement (LINK) by Amnesty International and The Center for Economic Rights, CESR notes that Spain???s announcements at the UN indicate a strong commitment to realizing economic and social rights both at home and abroad. Its actions, however, have not always been consistent with these good intentions, as witnessed by its drastic slashing of the development aid budget.
International eyes will be on Spain to ensure that the leadership it has shown in ratifying the Optional Protocol is reflected in policy and practice and that Spain follows through on the recommendations it has accepted through the UPR process.