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Blue Planet Project
The Blue Planet Project is an international effort begun by The Council of Canadians to protect the world's fresh water from the growing threats of trade and privatization.

Centre for Science and Environment
The Centre for Science and Environment is one of India's leading environmental NGOs. CSE has launched campaigns on the Right to Clean Water and People's Right to Water Management.

Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions
COHRE provides comprehensive background information on the right to water. It also has legal resources, information on its programs related to the right to water and housing, and a manual on the right to water.

Citizens Network on Essential Services
CNES works to democratize national and global governance by supporting citizens' groups that are engaged in influencing policy decisions about basic services: water, power, education, and health care.

Freshwater Action Network
A global network of environmental and developmental non-governmental and community-based organizations working to strengthen civil society's participation in international water policy formulation.

Global Water Partnership
The Global Water Partnership is a working partnership among all those involved in water management: government agencies, public institutions, private companies, professional organizations, multilateral development agencies and others committed to the Dublin-Rio principles.

Public Services International: fact sheets on corporate corruption and water privatization
The international trade union federation Public Services International, PSI, unites public sector workers in more than 600 trade unions in over 140 countries. PSI resists the privatization of water.

SAMWU, the South African Municipal Workers Union
SAMWU has a web page on the privitization of public utilities, focusing on water.

WaterAid UK
WaterAid is an international NGO dedicated exclusively to the provision of safe domestic water, sanitation and hygiene education to the world's poorest people.

The Water Observatory
A clearinghouse of water-related information maintained by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy.

The Water Page and the African Water Page
The Water Page is an independent initiative dedicated to the promotion of sustainable water resources management and use.

World Water Council
The World Water Council is the International Water Policy Think Tank dedicated to strengthening the world water movement for an improved management of the world's water resources and water services.


Public Citizen Water For All Campaign
Public Citizen is a national, nonprofit consumer advocacy organization founded in 1971 to represent consumer interests in Congress, the executive branch and the courts.

Sweetwater Alliance
A Michigan-based group fighting privatization in the state

Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database
The database includes a number of searchable databases including treaties and agreements, atlases, and conflict information. It is a project of the Oregon State University Department of Geosciences, in collaboration with the Northwest Alliance for Computational Science and Engineering.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water Website
The Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water (OGWDW), together with states, tribes, and its many partners, protects public health by ensuring safe drinking water and protecting ground water.


Center for International Environmental Law
CIEL is a public interest, not-for-profit environmental law firm founded in 1989 to strengthen international and comparative environmental law and policy around the world. It has offices in the U.S. and Switzerland.

Earthjustice is a non-profit public interest law firm dedicated to protecting the magnificent places, natural resources, and wildlife of this earth and to defending the right of all people to a healthy environment.

Ecological Cities Project
The Ecological Cities Project is a quasi-independent program of research and outreach affiliated with the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. The program seeks to promote sharing of knowledge and experience among disciplines, sectors, and urban regions regarding new approaches to urban greenspace creation and management.

Environment and Human Rights
A Council of Europe report by the Committee on the Environment, Agriculture and Local and Regional Affairs (April 2003). The report led to the adoption of Recommendation 1614 on Environment and Human Rights by the Council of Europe.

Environmental Justice: Rights and means to a healthy environment for all
This report came from a joint seminar on Environmental Justice held by the Friends of the Earth and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine held in June 1999.

Frontline defenders
This Irish-based NGO has an exceptionally good manual that includes all ESC rights, including the right to a healthy environment.

International Healthy Cities Foundation
The term "Healthy Cities" means that health is the result of much more than medical care; people are healthy when they live in nurturing environments and are involved in the life of their community. The movement began with the World Health Organization. The IHCF facilitates linkages among people, issues and resources in order to support the development of Healthy Cities initiatives.