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Translation Spanish: Reports 2

Report: Human Rights and Reconstruction in Afghanistan

Thisreport presents the findings of a human rights assessment mission toAfghanistan, undertaken in January 2002 by the Center for Economic andSocial Rights. To provide a snapshot of local human rights priorities,the CESR mission interviewed a cross-section of Afghans and international aid workers.

Montreal Principles

The Montreal Principles were based on earlier drafts of a principles statements prepared by the Cape Town WEEP meeting. The Montreal Principles are also available in the Summer 2004 Human Rights Quarterly.

The Right to Food: The Case of Afghanistan

Human Right to Food

The human right to food1is recognized and protected in a wide range of both declaratory andlegally binding international instruments, including the UniversalDeclaration of Human Rights,2 the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights,3 the Convention on the Rights of the Child4 and the Universal Declaration on the Eradication of Hunger and Malnutrition.5As a result, all States are obliged to progressively implement theright to food and provide guarantees against hunger and starvation,even in times of emergency,6by ensuring the accessibility and ???availability of food in quantity andquality sufficient to satisfy the dietary needs of individuals, freefrom adverse substances and acceptable within a given culture.???7

Women's Economic Equality Project, South Africa Consultation

Proceedings of the Consultation on Women???s Economic Equality

7-10 December 2000

ESCR-Net Planning Meeting October 2000: Report

ESCR Network Planning Meeting
October 5-6, 2000
The Ford Foundation