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Translation Spanish: Promoting Empowerment through the Guiding Principles on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights

Parallel event during the 51st Session ofthe Commission for Social Development

When: February 8th , 2013 (1:15-2:45 pm)

Where: Conference Room 7, United Nations NorthLawn Building


  • Mr. Ivan ??imonovi??, AssistantSecretary General for Human Rights, Office of the High Commissioner for HumanRights


  • H.E. Mr. Enrique Rom??n-Morey, Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Peru to theUnited Nations
  • Mr. Martin Briens, Deputy PermanentRepresentative of the Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations
  • Ms. Magdalena Sep??lveda Carmona, SpecialRaporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights (video)
  • Mr. Ignacio Saiz, Executive Director,Center for Economic

The Guiding Principles on Extreme Povertyand Human Rights, which were adopted by the UN Human Rights Council last year,offer a set of guidelines for policy-makers and other actors to make surepublic policies are both in alignment with international law and conducive topoverty reduction.

As the 51st Session of theCommission for Social Development gets underway at the United Nationsheadquarters in New York, CESR Executive Director Ignacio Saiz will be joiningleading figures from the spheres of human rights, development and diplomacy toexamine how these principles can be used to promote the empowerment of thoseliving in situations of poverty.

If poverty reduction efforts are to provemore effective in the future, it is crucial that opportunities be created forthose living in extreme poverty to be heard and contribute to strategies forthe eradication of poverty and the implementation of human rights for al

The parallel event will also hear fromPeru???s Ambassador to the United Nations, the Deputy Permanent Representative ofFrance to the UN, and the Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and HumanRights. The meeting has been organized by International Movement ATD FourthWorld, the Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations, thePermanent Mission of Peru to the UnitedNations, and the Subcommittee on the Eradication of Poverty.

For a pdf of the flyer providing furtherdetails, please click here: