The Right to Participation
Theuniversal vision of human rights can only be realized when communitiesbecome an integral part of fulfilling that vision. For this reason, theright to participation is an essential aspect of the human rightsframework and a critical component for ensuring governmentaccountability. The right to participation is guaranteed by theInternational Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which was thefirst major human rights convention ratified by the United States. [espa??ol]
The Right to Education and A Safe School Environment
Theright to education can only be met when students feel safe and able toexpress themselves in school. Human rights guarantee that schoolpolicies protect the child???s right to human dignity and create anenvironment in which children can learn and develop to their fullestpotential, without discrimination. These rights are protected in theUniversal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights ofthe Child, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social andCultural Rights. [espa??ol]
New York City Children Have the Right to Education
TheIndependent Commission on Public Education works within a human rightsframework, which guarantees that every child in New York City has theright to education. Children have the right to quality teachers andcurricula, and to a school environment that respects the dignity ofevery child. This right is not only found in our State Constitution, itis recognized around the world in the Universal Declaration of HumanRights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the InternationalCovenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. [espa??ol]
Human Rights Advocacy: How Can We Use Human Rights in the U.S.?
In the United States, it is hard to use direct legal action to enforce human rights obligations. The U.S. hasnot ratified the several major human rights treaties, including thoseprotecting the right to education. As a result, international treatieshave not become part of our domestic law and do not provide a cause ofaction in court. Even when the U.S. doesratify a treaty, Congress makes what are called ???reservations,??????understandings??? and ???declarations??? that prevent individuals from usingthe treaties in U.S. courts. So, what are other ways that can we use human rights in the U.S.?
Rights Chart