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Translation Spanish: Iraq, CESR in the News

CESR Interview: Roger Normand on This is Hell with Chuck Mertz

CESR executivedirector Roger Normand discussed President Bush's contempt forinternational law, the legality of the war with Iraq, and the captureof Saddam. <a href="

CESR Interview: Roger Normand on WBAI

The topic of this December 2003 interview was Iraq.

CESR Editorial: The Second American Revolution, by Roger Normand and Jan Goodwin

Weare in the midst of a new American revolution. The task at handaccording to the Pentagon???s own official documents, is nothing lessthan establishing ???full spectrum dominance??? of a ???unipolar world.???

CESR Op-Ed: No Exit in Iraq, by Roger Normand

Secretaryof State Madeleine Albright recently insisted that sanctions will notbe lifted until Saddam Hussein is removed from power, while at the sametime declaring that the US military will never commit the ground forcesnecessary to accomplish this. With Hussein and his inner circle morefirmly in control than ever, and the Iraqi people crippled by sevenyears of devastating sanctions, the US position effectively meanssanctions without end.