CESR staff member Sally Anne Way took part in an international fact-finding mission to Bolivia in February to address the causes of hunger and malnutrition in the country and investigate the circumstances that produce food insecurity. The mission was organized by Rights and Democracy in collaboration with La Coordinadora de Integraci??n de Organizaciones Econ??micas, Campesinas y Ind??genas y Originarias de Bolivia (CIOEC).
The mission delegation, comprised of Bolivian experts on food security, representatives of international organisations working on economic and social rights, and an advisor to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, visited several communities affected by hunger and malnutrition, including the northern part of Potos?? (Llallagua, Pocoata, Macha y Colquechaca), Cochabamba (Tapacari) and Chaco (Alto Parapeti). The mission conducted interviews with Government representatives, UN and donor agencies, social movements and indigenous peoples.
???The mission is important because it will highlight the ways in which the human rights framework can provide practical assistance to states as they implement strategies to eradicate hunger within their jurisdictions,??? said Olivier De Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, in a message sent to the members of the mission delegation. ???I am confident that the mission findings will be a useful contribution to our common struggle.???
In a public conference in La Paz on February 14, 2011, members of the delegation presented their preliminary observations and recommendations. The mission urged the government of Bolivia to adopt more formal measures to guarantee coherence between constitutional compromises on the right to food and public policy, programs and budget allocations.
Recommendations were also made to ensure that national food production takes into consideration the environment, supports small-scale producers and respects indigenous territories. The mission urged the that income from the Direct Tax on Hydrocarbons (IDH) be used to diversify the economy and move away from dependence on natural resources extraction.
Lastly, they urged the government to not only address historical injustices in its land reforms but to also prioritize the progressive realization of the right to food. The mission noted that spaces for public debate should be amplified, with increased transparency, access to information and participation in budgetary processes. A full mission report will be released in May 2011.
Compared with other countries in the Latin American and Caribbean region, Bolivia has one of the highest rates of chronic malnutrition, which affects 27 percent of children under five. The highest rates are found in rural and indigenous communities. CESR has worked to highlight economic, social and cultural rights in Bolivia, particularly in light of Bolivia???s presentation before the 40th session of the CESCR in May 2008.
In addition, Sally-Anne Way is co-author of a just-published book, along with Jean Ziegler, Christophe Golay and Claire Mohan, "The Fight for the Right to Food: Lessons Learned," part of the International Relations and Development Series of the Graduate Institute, Geneva.