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Translation Spanish: The International Covenant on Economic and Social Rights

Authored by Jeff King, the purpose of thismanual is to serve activists and students. This service is expected tounfold in three ways: (1) primarily as a manual for reporting to theCommittee on Economic, Soical and Cultural Rights; (2) as a resourcefor students, particularly those in remote locations with less accessto the Internet and large English language libraries; and (3) as aneducational tool in traning workshops, particularly for practicaltopics.

Author's Note:

This manual was completed in 2003. Since that time three new GeneralComments and a number of Concluding Observations have been handed downby the Committee. To the author's knowledge, no significant doctrinaldevelopments have occurred. However, readers should in particular takenote of General Comment No. 16 (concerning equal rights of men andwomen to the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights), No. 17(concerning certain cultural and intellectual rights in respect ofscientific or artistic works), and, significantly with regard toChapter V of the manual, No. 18 (concerning the right to work).Activists are encouraged to consult this website periodically forupdated information.