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Translation Spanish: Human Rights Principles and NGO Accountability

The International Council on Human Rights Policy is hosting an online multilingual forum for debate on Human Rights Principles and NGO accountability. In English, Spanish and French, the debate focuses on how human rights principles and values influence the debate on NGO accountability, an often controversial subject. The online forum's goal is to present the many perspectives on the topic, including the areas of agreement and disagreement. Some examples of questions raised include: What does the human rights framework contribute togovernance and management of NGOs? How does it determine the nature andlimits of state regulation of civil society action? How can humanrights values assist NGOs to navigate the complex relationships theyhave with their different constituencies?

Everyone is invited to join the debate, and the online forum features short contributions and interviews.  The forum will conclude later with an analytical report drawing on the online discussion and ICHRP's own research.

The invitation to dialogue from ICHRP's Chair, Hina Jilani, can be found here. The online forum can be found here