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Translation Spanish: CESR and the Right to Work

The Center for Economic and Social Rights wasone of the first organizations to challenge economic injustice asviolation of international human rights law. Through its projects inthe U.S. and abroad, CESR aims to use human rights to hold decision-makers ??? be they governments or corporations ??? accountable for their actions.

CESR Factsheets on the Right to Work
CESR Reports on the Right to Work

Report: Treated Like Slaves: Donna Karan Inc. Violates Women Workers??? Rights (December 1999)
This report examines violations of women workers' human rights in theChoe factories, located in the heart of New York City. The contractor,employing Chinese and Latina immigrant women workers, produced garmentsexclusively for Donna Karan International under extremely abusive andexploitative conditions for an estimated 12 to 13 years.

Speech delivered at Campaign for Workers Hunger Strike rally (May 7 2003)[pdf]
In 2003, workers in New York held a seven-day hunger strike organizedby the It???s About Time Campaign for Workers Health and Safety. TheCampaign is committed to fighting against sweatshop conditions,particularly long hours, that have affected the health and lives ofworking people here in the U.S. It is a multi-racial, grassroots initiative established in 1999 by three workers centers in New York City: Chinese Staff & Workers??? Association, National Mobilization Against SweatShops, and Workers Awaaz.

Speechdelivered at Coalition of Immokalee Workers Hunger Strike and RallyAgainst Taco Bell in Irvine, California (February 28, 2003)[pdf](en espa??ol)[pdf]
In February 2003, the Coalition of Immokalee Workers held a hungerstrike to get Taco Bell to pay one penny more per bushel of tomatoes.The campaign continues ??? for updated information on the status ofnegotiations, go to the Coalition of Immokalee Workers.