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Translation Spanish: Afghanistan

Non-CESR Resources on Afghanistan

Joint Statement by United Nations Agencies - In Afghanistan, A Population in Crisis
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNICEF, World Food Programme, UNDP, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights


In October, 2003, CESR co-hosteda talk with Tariq Ali and Amy Goodman in New York City. Other sponsorsof the talk included Verso, Campus Antiwar Network, and the MuslimStudents Association.

CESR Op Ed: Stifled in the Loya Jirga, by Omar Zakhilwal (The Washington Post)

Kabul, Afghanistan - I am a member of the loya jirga'ssilent majority -- or rather, silenced majority -- who came here toAfghanistan's capital expecting to shape our nation's future butinstead find ourselves being dragged back into the past.

New Human Rights Report to Be Presented at Loya Jirga

Afghans and Aid Workers Criticize International Policy and Call for Meaningful Focus on Human Rights

Human Rights Assessment Mission to Afghanistan

Human Rights Conditions

Over twenty years of successive armed conflicts and massive humanrights violations have killed at least 1.5 million Afghans and rendered6 million homeless. Even prior to 11 September and 7 October, theAfghan population suffered severe destitution and hardship: a ruinedinfrastructure, abysmal socio-economic indicators, the world???s largestpopulation of refugees and internally displaced persons, the world???shighest concentration of land mines, three years of worsening drought,a repressive government and international isolation marked by economicsanctions.

CESR Letter to the Editor (The New York Times)

To the Editor:

Congratulations on your comprehensive and moving account of the foodcrisis in Afghanistan ("Now the Battle to Feed the Afghan Nation"). Butthe article overlooks the dangers of militarizing the humanitarianeffort.

Report: Human Rights and Reconstruction in Afghanistan

Thisreport presents the findings of a human rights assessment mission toAfghanistan, undertaken in January 2002 by the Center for Economic andSocial Rights. To provide a snapshot of local human rights priorities,the CESR mission interviewed a cross-section of Afghans and international aid workers.

In the Aftermath of September 11 - Afghanistan: A First-Hand Report

CESR researcherHadi Ghaemi (CUNY) presented a half-hour talk accompanied by avideotape upon his return from Afghanistan as part of the CESR human rights research meeting.

Afghanistan Today and Tomorrow: An Evening of Music, Dance, Politics, Poetry and Art to Benefit Afghan Refugees

Agroup of Brooklyn organizations are trying to respond to the urgentneed for humanitarian aid in Afghanistan. An estimated 3 million peoplelack food, shelter and basic medical care and many will die thiswinter. We reach out to you in the hope that you will attend thefollowing event: