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Otras reivindicaciones de los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales

Organizaciones Internacionales

American Friends Service Committee
The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is a Quaker organization that includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace, and humanitarian service.

Amnistía Internacional
Amnistía Internacional es un movimiento mundial de personas que hacen campaña para que los derechos humanos reconocidos internacionalmente sean una realidad para todas las personas. A quienes nos apoyan les mueve la indignación que les provocan los abusos contra los derechos humanos, pero también la esperanza en un mundo mejor; por eso, trabajamos para mejorar los derechos humanos a través de nuestras actividades de campaña y la solidaridad internacional.

Business & Human Rights
The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre is an independent, international, non-profit organisation, in a collaborative partnership with Amnesty International sections and leading academic institutions.

Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs: Human Rights Initiative
The Human Rights Initiative was a multi year research and dialogue project of the Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs, based in New York City. Finishing in 2005, the Human Rights Initiative aimed to provide critical perspective of what happens when international human rights confronts realities on the ground.

Centro de Derechos Economicos y Sociales
El CDES es una organización orientada a promover los derechos económicos y sociales entre los movimientos, las organizaciones sociales y la ciudadania, para impulsar la discusión, desarrollo y puesta en marcha de un modelo económico, social y político democrático y alternativo.

Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales
El Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS) es una organización no gubernamental que trabaja desde 1979 en la promoción y protección de los derechos humanos y el fortalecimiento del sistema democrático en Argentina. Los principales objetivos de la institución se encuentran orientados a: denunciar las violaciones a los derechos humanos; incidir en los procesos de formulación de políticas públicas basadas en el respeto por los derechos fundamentales; impulsar reformas legales e institucionales tendientes al mejoramiento de la calidad de las instituciones democráticas; promover el mayor ejercicio de estos derechos para los sectores más desprotegidos de la sociedad.

Center for Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE)
The Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) is an independent, non-governmental, not-for-profit human rights organisation. COHRE is the leading international human rights organisation campaigning for the protection of housing rights and the prevention of forced evictions.

Center for Women's Global Leadership
The Center for Women's Global Leadership (CWGL) develops and facilitates women's leadership for women's human rights and social justice worldwide. CWGL's programs promote the leadership of women and advance feminist perspectives in policy-making processes in local, national and international arenas. CWGL works from a human rights perspective with an emphasis on violence against women, sexual and reproductive health and socio-economic well-being.

Comité para la Anulación de la Deuda del Tercer Mundo (CADTM)
Fundado en Bélgica el 15 marzo 1990, CADTM es una red internacional constituida de miembros y de comités locales basados en Europa, América Latina y Asia. Actúa en coordinación con otras organizaciones y movimientos luchando por la misma perspectiva. Su principal trabajo, desde la problemática de la deuda, consiste en la realización y la elaboración de alternativas radicales para alcanzar la satisfacción universal de las necesidades, de las libertades y de los derechos humanos fundamentales.

Corporate Watch provides news, analysis, research tools and action resources to respond to corporate activity around the globe and works with those fighting for corporate accountability, human rights, social and environmental justice.

FIAN se formó en 1986. Era la primera organización internacional de derechos humanos que lucha por la realización del derecho a una alimentación adecuada, como prevé la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos y otros instrumentos internacionales de derechos humanos. FIAN Internacional consiste de secciones nacionales presentes en Africa, Asia, America del Sur y Europa.

Global Focus Aotearoa
Global Focus provides services to support critical analysis and a deeper understanding of global and development issues. Its
website gives quick access to its lending library, magazines, teaching resources, email updates, training information and much more.

Grassroots International
Grassroots International is an independent agency committed to progressive social change that provides grants and material aid, and advocates on behalf of community-based partner organizations in Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and the Caribbean.

Global Policy Forum
GPF monitors global policy making at the United Nations to promote a more open, accountable and democratic policy process at the global level so as to foster democracy, social justice, human rights and mutual solidarity. Their website includes resources on social and economic policy and on UN sanctions in Iraq and elsewhere.

Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Watch es una de las principales organizaciones internacionales independientes dedicadas a la defensa y la protección de los derechos humanos. Al concentrar la atención mundial en los lugares donde se violan los derechos humanos, damos voz a los oprimidos y exigimos cuentas a los opresores por sus crímenes. Nuestras investigaciones rigurosas y objetivas, y nuestra incidencia política estratégica y focalizada generan una intensa presión para la acción y aumentan el precio que hay que pagar por abusos a los derechos humanos.

Independent Media Center
Indymedia is a collective of independent media organizations and hundreds of journalists offering grassroots, non-corporate coverage.

Red-Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales
La Red Internacional para los Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales (Red-DESC) es una iniciativa de colaboración entre grupos e individuos de las diferentes regiones del mundo que trabajan en favor de la justicia social y económica por medio de la defensa de los derechos humanos. La Red-DESC busca fortalecer el campo de todos los derechos humanos, concentrándose especialmente en los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales, y continuar desarrollando herramientas que faciliten su promoción, protección y cumplimiento. A través de la Red-DESC, grupos e individuos pueden intercambiar información, desarrollar una voz colectiva, fortalecer sus actividades y desarrollar nuevos mecanismos y estrategias. Facilitando actividades conjuntas, mejorando la comunicación y generando solidaridad entre las diferentes regiones, la red busca formar un movimiento global que trabaje para que los derechos humanos y la justicia social sean una realidad para todos.

Publish What You Pay Campaign
International oil, gas, and mining companies pay billions of dollars a year to the governments of many less developed countries that are rich in natural resources. Few of these countries' citizens benefit from this financial windfall, however, because of government corruption and mismanagement. The "Publish What You Pay" campaign aims to help citizens hold their governments accountable for how these resource-related funds are managed and distributed.

Social Watch
Social Watch es una red internacional de organizaciones ciudadanas que luchan para erradicar la pobreza y las causas de la pobreza, para poner fin a todas las formas de discriminación y de racismo, para asegurar una distribución equitativa de la riqueza y para la concienciación de los derechos humanos. Nuestro compromiso es con la paz, la justicia social, económica y de género, y ponemos el acento en el derecho de toda la gente a no ser pobres

Union for Radical Political Economics
URPE is an interdisciplinary association devoted to the study, development, and application of radical political economic analysis to social problems.

United Nations maps of the world

ZNet: Global Economic Crisis
ZNet offers this Global Economics Crisis site as a source for understanding global economics and trade issues and particularly in preparation for ongoing demonstrations about economic justice.

Organizaciones Norte Americanas

American Civil Liberties Union
The ACLU is the USA's guardian of liberty. We work daily in courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States.

Center for Constitutional Rights
The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) is a non-profit legal and educational organization dedicated to protecting and advancing the rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities is one of the nation’s premier policy organizations working at the federal and state levels on fiscal policy and public programs that affect low- and moderate-income families and individuals


Free Speech TV
Free Speech Internet Television provides news and media outlets that respond to the interests of that majority of the people whose voices are excluded or distorted in the corporate media.

Institute for Policy Studies
IPS is a multi-issue progressive think tank located in Washington, D.C. that offers resources for progressive social change locally, nationally, and globally through books, articles, films, conferences, and activist education.

Kensington Welfare Rights Union
KWRU is a multi-racial organization of, by and for poor and homeless people. KWRU is dedicated to the organizing of welfare recipients, the homeless, the working poor and all people concerned with economic justice.

MADRE works with community-based women's organizations in conflict areas worldwide to address issues of health, education, economic development and other human rights by providing resources and training for sister organizations and empowering people in the US to demand changes to unjust policies.

National Economic and Social Rights Initiative
NESRI promotes cultural and political commitment to a sustainable comprehensive human rights vision for the United States that ensures dignity and access to the basic resources needed for human development and civic participation.

Pacifica Radio, WBAI
Pacifica Radio is a community-based radio network, with stations across the U.S., that seeks to promote cultural diversity and pluralistic community expression.

Toronto Disaster Relief Committee
The Toronto Disaster Relief Committee deals with issues of homelessness and poverty in Toronto, Canada.

United States Network on Human Rights
The US Human Rights Network was formed to promote US accountability to universal human rights standards by building linkages between organizations, as well as individuals, working on human rights issues in the United States. For more on CESR's involvement in U.S. Networks, click here

Organizaciones Asiáticos


Developing Initiatives for Social and Human Action (DISHA)
Disha is a mass-based organization in Gujarat that started in 1985 with the aim of altering societal power relationships in favor of the poor to produce social change. Disha believes that only through altering the power balance among different communities may our current society be transformed into a more equitable one.


Human Rights Council of Australia
The Human Rights Council of Australia Inc is a private non-government organization which promotes understanding of and respect for human rights for all persons without discrimination through adherence to the International Bill of Rights, and other human rights instruments, internationally and within Australia.

INSAAF International
INSAAF International is a non-profit membership organization which concentrates on economic, social and political rights education, awareness and advocacy in Punjab, India, including women' rights.