Aliando los derechos humanos con las luchas por la justicia económica y social
Convocatoria internacional organizada por el Centro de Derechos Económicos y Sociales (CESR)
Lima, 29-31 de agosto de 2018
Linda Marcela Acosta, Akubadaura
Cathy Albisa, National Economic and Social Rights Initiative (NESRI)
Cecilia Alemany Billorou, Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN)
Carlos Arana, Grupo Nacional de Presupuesto Público (GNPP)
Rodolfo Bejarano, Red de Justicia Fiscal de América Latina y el Caribe
Million Belay, Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)
Million Belay, Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)
Chafik Ben Rouine, Observatoire Tunisien de l’ Economie
Rebecca Berger, Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR)
Juliana Bravo Valencia, EarthRights International
Carlos Brown, Fundar
Joji Carino, Forest Peoples Programme
Jessenia Casani, Estudio para la defense de los Derechos de la Mujer (DEMUS)
Sergio Chaparro, Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR)
Allison Corkery, Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR)
Paolo de Renzio, International Budget Partnership (IBP)
Kate Donald, Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR)
Jeanne Elone, TrustAfrica
Alma Espino, Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios sobre el Desarrolo (CIEDUR)
Bhavani Fonseka, Center for Policy Alternatives
Darci Frigo, Terra de Direitos
Chris Grove, International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR‐Net)
Salma Hussein, Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR)
Gilad Isaacs, National Minimum Wage Research Initiative
Makmid Kamara, Amnesty International
Masego Madzwamuse, Open Society Foundations
Emily Martinez, Open Society Foundations
Luis Moreno, Red Latinoamericana sobre Deuda, Desarrollo y Derechos (Latindadd)
Sarah Mukasa, Open Society Foundations
Regina Navuga, Southern and Eastern Africa Trade Information and Negotiations Institute (SEATINI)
Liz Nelson, Tax Justice Network (TJN)
Sizani Ngubane, Rural Women’s Movement
Paul Okumu, Africa Platform
Louise Olivier, Open Society Foundations
Gaby Oré Aguilar, Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR)
Borislav Petranov, Open Society Foundations
Iara Pietricovsky, Instituto de Estudos Socioeconômicos (INESC)
Tarcila Rivera, Chirapaq
Beth Roberts, Landesa
Amanda Romero, Business and Human Rights Resource Center (BHRRC)
Diego Saavedra, Derecho, Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (DAR)
César Rodríguez, Centro de Estudios de Derecho, Justicia y Sociedad (Dejusticia)
Imad Sabi, Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR) Board
Ignacio Saiz, Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR)
Alejandra Sarda-Chandiramani, Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID)
Rocío Silva Santisteban, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Mohamed Sultan, Open Society Foundations
Roxana Vásquez (CESR Consultant)
Gabrielle Watson, CESR Consultant (facilitator)