Showing 1 to 30 of 49 results

Video: Shifting the Narrative Recommendations
This video summarizes the key findings of our Shifting the Narrative project.

Strategizing with indigenous leaders from Peru and Colombia
Fiscal policies must include indigenousr rights. Watch the reflections of our latest workshop with indigenous leaders from the Amazon and Andes..

In Critical Times, a Roadmap for Action
Late last year, as part of our effort to tell this new story, CESR published A Rights-Based Economy: putting people and planet first with our partners Christian Aid. Today, we’re launching this short video summarizing some of the ideas in the report. We’re hoping to spark conversation about the economies we need and how we can use human rights to get there.

Fiscal Policy, Inequality and Human Rights in Peru
Peru's success story in terms of growth and poverty reduction requires a more nuanced evaluation, given persistent inequalities and the government's failure to guarantee social rights and ensure sustainable growth through sound fiscal practices. This short video offers two compelling examples of unjustified rights deprivations caused by the country's unfair fiscal and budgetary policies: the setbacks in bilingual intercultural education policy and the lack of adequate funding for cancer policies.

Fiscal Policy and the Rights of Indigenous and Afro-descendant Peoples
Video from workshop in Bogotá bringing together Indigenous and Afro-descendant leaders from Peru and Colombia to discuss the links between unjust fiscal policies, extractive industries, and the rights and wellbeing of these communities..

The Opera Framework
CESR has developed a simple, yet comprehensive four-step framework to analyze various aspects of the obligation to fulfill economic and social rights. Adopting the acronym OPERA, the framework incorporates different measures for specific human rights principles and standards, by framing them around four levels of analysis: Outcomes, Policy Efforts, Resources and Assessment.

Brazil: Human Rights in Times of Austerity
This video illustrates that advances in tackling poverty and human rights deprivations in Brazil are at risk from a series of harmful and severe austerity measures put in place by the government starting in 2015.

Brasil: direitos humanos em tempos de austeridade
Levantamento realizado pelo Centro para os Direitos Econômicos e Sociais (CESR), INESC e Oxfam Brasil e revela que políticas públicas voltadas à área social tiveram redução de até 83% no orçamento nos últimos três anos. A área que mais perdeu recursos desde 2014 foi a de direitos da juventude, seguida dos programas voltados à segurança alimentar, mudanças climáticas, moradia digna e defesa dos direitos humanos de crianças e adolescentes.

Philip Alston: Tax as a human rights issue
Philip Alston, UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights and former CESR board chair, addresses the International Strategy Meeting 'Advancing Tax Justice Through Human Rights' in Lima, Peru, 29 April 2015.

Fiscal Policy for Human Rights & Equality: Andean region
Civil society representatives from across the Andean region reflect on the importance of bringing human rights to bear in tax policy.

Tax, Inequality & Human Rights
Leading figures from the worlds of human rights and tax justice reflect on the critical importance of bringing these spheres of activism together.

Defending Dignity: Introduction
CESR and the Asia Pacific Forum (APF) present a new manual - ‘Defending Dignity’ - designed to strengthen the role of National Human Rights Institutions in monitoring and enforcing economic, social and cultural rights. The manual is complemented by a series of motion graphics and explanatory videos.This introduction unpacks the question of what is monitoring, and what should it mean for NHRIs getting to grips with economic, social and cultural rights. It covers a wide range of activities that NHRIs commonly undertake as part of their mandated functions.

Defending Dignity Part I: Defining the issues
CESR and the Asia Pacific Forum (APF) present a new manual - ‘Defending Dignity’ - designed to strengthen the role of National Human Rights Institutions in monitoring and enforcing economic, social and cultural rights. The manual is complemented by a series of motion graphics and explanatory videos. This section explains how a human rights-based approach can be used to frame questions about poverty and socio-economic deprivation in a way that holds the relevant actors responsible for human rights violations.

Defending Dignity Part III: Assessing resources
CESR and the Asia-Pacific Forum (APF) present a new manual - ‘Defending Dignity’ - designed to strengthen the role of National Human Rights Institutions in monitoring and enforcing economic, social and cultural rights. The manual is complemented by a series of motion graphics combined with explanatory videos. This section tackles the often-challenging issue of assessing resources. It introduces the policy areas that are relevant to consider when assessing resources, before showing how budget analysis approaches can be used to investigate how resources are allocated, generated and spent.

Defending Dignity Part II: Collecting and analyzing data
CESR and the Asia Pacific Forum (APF) present a new manual - ‘Defending Dignity’ - designed to strengthen the role of National Human Rights Institutions in monitoring and enforcing economic, social and cultural rights. The manual is complemented by a series of motion graphics and explanatory videos. Part II of the manual tackles collecting and analysing data. After defining the right question to ask, the next step is to collect the data that can help answer that question.

Defending Dignity Part IV: Communicating findings
CESR and the Asia Pacific Forum (APF) present a new manual - ‘Defending Dignity’ - designed to strengthen the role of National Human Rights Institutions in monitoring and enforcing economic, social and cultural rights. The manual is complemented by a series of motion graphics combined with explanatory videos. This final section addresses what will be the most tangible “output” of any monitoring activity - the report – examining the factors that will make it most compelling and so contribute to effective advocacy.

Amina Mohammed: tax justice, human rights and post-2015 development
Amina J Mohammed, Special Adviser to the UN Secretary General on Post-2015 Development Planning, talks to CESR about the role human rights and tax justice must play in future development efforts

Magdalena Sepulveda
Former UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights Magdalena Sepulveda, who is also a member of CESR's board, delivers a message to the conference 'Advancing Fiscal Justice through Human Rights' in Lima, Peru, 29 April 2015.

Twenty Years of Economic and Social Rights Advocacy
Leading figures from the world of human rights reflect on progress in the field, and CESR's contribution, since the 1993 Vienna Declaration and Program of Action. Contributors include:

Post-2015: 'Measuring What We Treasure'
On 23 March 2015, members of the Post-2015 Human Rights Caucus staged a side event at the UN to discuss rights-based indicators for transformative post-2015 sustainable development. Learn more about the Post-2015 Human Rights Caucus here:

Attiya Waris: Advancing Tax Justice through Human Rights
Video presentation from Attiya Waris, Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Nairobi University, to the international strategy meeting 'Advancing Tax Justice through Human Rights', in Lima, Peru, on 30 April 2015

Alan Miller
Alan Miller, Chair of the Scottish Human Rights Commission, reflects on the importance of CESR's monitoring tools in the work of national human rights institutions.

Kieren Fitzpatrick
Kieran Fitzpatrick, Director of the Asia-Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions, discusses CESR's contribution to the work of APF members.

Mary Robinson: Climate justice and the post-2015 agenda
As talks over the future global development agenda ramp up, former High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson discusses the role climate justice and economic and social rights must play in securing a just and sustainable future.

United Nations Thematic Consultation on Governance and the Post-2015 Framework
CESR Executive Director Ignacio Saiz addresses the United Nations Thematic Consultation on Governance and the Post-2015 Framewor. Ignacio's presentation begins at 34'08"

Twenty Years of Economic and Social Rights Advocacy
On 4 February 2013, CESR and the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice hosted a panel event and reception in NYU's Faculty of Law to celebrate 20 years of economic and social rights advocacy and take stock of the challenges still facing the human rights movement in making these rights a reality.

CESR: 20 years working for social justice through human rights
This short video presents some of the Center for Economic and Social Rights' milestone achievements since it was founded in 1993, and highlights our continuing work to achieve social justice through human rights. CESR works to promote social justice through human rights. In a world where poverty and inequality deprive entire communities of dignity, justice and sometimes life, we seek to uphold the universal human rights of every human being to education, health, food, water, housing, work, and other economic, social and cultural rights essential to human dignity.

Mary Robinson: the MDGs and the 'War on Terror'
Mary Robinson, former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, talks to CESR about progress and setbacks for economic and social rights over the past two decades. In this interview she discusses the Millennium Development Goals and challenges emanating from the 'War on Terror'

Vienna+20: Mary Robinson
United Nations Special Envoy to the Great Lakes Region and former High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson talks to CESR about the anniversary of the Vienna Declaration and the post-2015 development agenda.