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Human Rights Responses to the Global Economic Crisis in Geneva




The Center for Economic and Social Rights, along with ESCR-Net and the United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service (NGLS), is sponsoring an event on Thursday, March 4 from 13:15-15:00 in Room XXIII of the Palais de Nations (Geneva). The event is called "Human Rights Responses to the Global Economic Crisis."

How can human rights obligations influence responses to the financial and economic crisis? What role should the Human Rights Council play through its commitment to contribute to the work of the Open-Ended Working Group of the UN General Assembly?

This follows up the work of the UN Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and its Impact on Development, held last June in New York.

The CESR-sponsored side-event will reflect on the implications of the "duty to protect" and the "duty to fulfil" international human rights obligations, including economic and social rights such as those related to full employment and decent work for all. What do these duties imply in terms of reforming the international financial architecture and realigning macroeconomic policies in light of the most dramatic economic and financial crisis since the Great Depression?

Panelists include:

Richard Kozul-Wright
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

Irene Khan
Former Secretary General, Amnesty International, Board member, CESR

João Ernesto Christófolo
Permanent Mission of Brazil to the United Nations

Sally-Anne Way
Research Director, Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR)

Chair: Hamish Jenkins
United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service (NGLS)