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The NGO Coalition for an Optional Protocol to ICESCR


Human rights violations occur every day in different countries and regions around the world. The victims all have one thing in common: they are denied access to justice

The NGO Coalition for an Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (OP-ICESCR) has launched a petition in support of the Optional Protocol to the ICESCR, asking States of the world to ensure that access to justice and the right to an effective remedy become a reality for victims of all human rights; urging them to become a party to the OP-ICESCR when it opens for signature on September 24, 2009; to ensure that it enters into force as soon as possible; and to take all necessary steps to fully implement the OP-ICESCR without delay. In addition we call on those countries that are not yet a party to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to ratify or accede to this treaty immediately and to also sign to its Optional Protocol in September 24.

How you can get involved:

- Endorse the petition: go here to sign the petition, on behalf of your organization or in your own individual capacity. The petition is available in Spanish, English and French.

-Add information to your website and/or email information to your networks and partners, requesting that they do the same.

- Collect signatures at meetings, gatherings, events in your community and school, etc. A printable version of the petition is available here.

For more information, please visit the NGO Coalition website, or contact them at

Deadline to take action is August 19! Having your endorsement by this date will allow the NGO Coalition to communicate with States, share with them the results of the action and still generate enough pressure for them to commit to sign.