The aim of CESR???seducation work is to encourage an "engaged" learning process throughconcrete fieldwork and advocacy efforts. Long-term improvement inliving conditions depends upon affected communities playing a directrole in decisions that impact their well-being. Human rights provide amechanism for these communities to participate in and demand socialchange. Education is a critical first step in this process ofrights-claiming.

CESR training in Ecuador
Photo courtesy of Chris af Jochnick
CESR has conducted numerous workshops withlocal project partners as a means of involving communities in defendingtheir own rights. Rather than simply describing human rights law, theseworkshops are specifically tailored to address people???s daily concerns.CESR workshops for activists and NGOsdraw on case studies from actual project work and the discussion oftenfocuses on the value-added of economic and social rights research andadvocacy.
We seek to raise public awareness through conferences, seminars, and speaking tours. CESR also engages in mediaand publicity activities, often working directly with journalists todramatize the human element behind rights violations. In addition, ourstaff publishes articles for popular and academic journals. After yearsof fieldwork, CESR is beginning to translateits experience into a series of practical guides and educationalmaterials on the use and promotion of economic and social rights.