Showing 44 results

CEWLA and CESR Submit a Follow up Report on Egypt to the CEDAW’s 80th Session
The report analyzes issues raised by the Committee related particularly to women’s enjoyment of economic and social rights, in light of the pandemic and in the context of the IMF-backed economic reform program in Egypt.

Fostering new approaches to monitor COVID recovery in MENA
We shared toolkits and methods for a rights-based monitoring of COVID-19 recovery with the Oxfam FAIR-EiU Knowledge Hub forum.

Egypt Social Progress Indicators: Education
Egypt’s performance in some areas of education is relatively high compared to other LMICs, but in other areas it is very low.

Egypt: Rights, Regression and Repression
This factsheet finds that Egypt still suffers from staggering levels of socioeconomic inequality, a stagnant labor market, widespread poverty, and endemic corruption.

Co-designing and Threat-modeling Accountability Tools for Restricted Civic Spaces: the Egypt Social Progress Indicators Platform
CESR staffers will be at #RightsCon next week in Tunis and on June 13th will host a session on "Co-designing and Threat-modeling Accountability Tools for Restricted Civic Spaces."

Egypt Social Progress Indicators: Health
Despite Egypt’s general progress on health outcomes, gaps persist that reflect entrenched patterns of social and economic disparity.

Egypt Social Progress Indicators Reveal How Austerity Feeds Gross Inequalities
The Egypt Social Progress Indicators Project finds that IMF-mandated austerity policies are amplifying severe inequalities and undermining the rights to health, education, housing and decent work for millions of Egyptians.

ESPI Annual Report 2018: Measuring Progress Towards Improved Wellbeing in Egypt
CESR's Egypt Social Progress Indicators project has published the first independent, systematic review of socioeconomic development in Egypt.

Meeting the Demands for Economic and Social Justice: Joint Submission on the Situation of Economic and Social Rights in Egypt
Fiscal austerity in Egypt has entrenched and worsened existing patterns of poverty, inequality and exclusion.

Egypt Social Progress Indicators: Urbanization
There are a number of policy areas that need substantial improvements to ensure Egypt’s urban development plans are sustainable and contribute to social progress.

Egypt Social Progress Indicators: Labor
There is a need for broad policy change to improve socioeconomic wellbeing, labor conditions and employment outcomes in Egypt.

Egypt Social Progress Indicators: Economic Policy
The ESPI Factsheet on Economic Policy demonstrates that the Egyptian economy has significant room for improvement when it comes to directing economic policy priorities towards improving socioeconomic wellbeing.

ESPI provides alternative to traditional economic indicators that ignore the disenfranchised
Mahinour El-Badrawi was interviewed about ESPI for Tax Justice Network's Arabic Podcast.

Labor rights and workplace equality in Egypt: new measure finds progress lacking
The Egypt Social Progress Indicators (ESPI) project recently released findings reflecting an overall need for broad policy changes to improve labor rights, working conditions and wage trends.

Do Metrics Matter? Accountability for Economic and Social Rights in Post- Revolution Egypt
In Economic and Social Rights in a Neoliberal World, Allison Corkery and Heba Khalil identify the ways in which quantification can help build civil society power while challenging neoliberalism in Egypt.

OPERA Stories: Using metrics to reframe “progress” in Egypt
Heba Khalil is a longstanding collaborator with CESR, most recently on the Egypt Social Progress Indicators. She is a PhD student at the University of Illinois and a researcher with the Social Justice Platform (SJP).

ESPI: Egypt Social Progress Indicators
A new metric, developed jointly by CESR and its partners in Egypt, offers a multidimensional view of the socioeconomic situation in Egypt and its human impacts.

Egypt: New rights-based metric measures social and development progress
A new metric, developed jointly by CESR and its partners in Egypt, offers a more multidimensional view of the socioeconomic situation in Egypt and its human impacts.

OPERA in Practice: Visibilizing Rights in Post-Revolutionary Egypt
CESR compiled a factsheet as a snapshot illustrating rights realization in Egypt in 2013.
Egypt's Economy: Turning a Corner or Going in Circles? Civil Society Perspectives
Thursday, April 19th, 2018, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.Bank Information Center (BIC), 10th Floor, 1023 15th St. NW, Washington, DC 20005
OPERA in Practice: case studies applying CESR's monitoring framework
CESR presents four new case studies – from Kenya, Ireland, Angola, and Egypt – illustrating some of the diverse ways our OPERA Framework for monitoring economic and social rights can be applied.

Egypt’s IMF deal: a huge price tag for human rights
The impacts of structural adjustment reforms associated with the loan raise strong human rights concerns, particularly for the status of economic and social rights.

Egypt cracks down on human rights while championing sustainable development at UN
Statement: CESR expresses deep concern over the recent verdict, and ongoing crackdown, against human rights defenders and organizations in Egypt.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Egypt: Widespread rights retrogression exposed before UPR
The 11 briefing papers in this series were prepared by CESR and the Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights

New tools for old problems: closing the accountability gap in Egypt
Allison Corkery on the next phased of our ongoing collaboration with Egyptian human rights defenders.

Egypt's new government promised an economic revolution -- but Egyptians get more of the same
Foreign Policy Op-ed: As Egypt hosts a major investment conference, CESR's Allison Corkery and ECESR's Heba Khalil warn against pursuing the same failed development model of the past.

A missed opportunity for ESCR: Reflections on Egypt's appearance before UPR
CESR's Allison Corkery reflects on the challenges of holding Egypt to account before the UN for its ESCR obligations.

Amid crackdown, UN calls on Egypt to protect civil society space
Press release: The Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review mechanism has called on Egypt to put an end to repression of civil society voices.

After threats, Egyptian organizations decide not to participate in UPR
Press release: The joint press release reproduced here has been issued by CESR's partners in Egypt in the light of their decision not to attend the country's appearance before the UPR.

Egypt to answer to UN for deteriorating human rights conditions
Press release: Egypt comes before the Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review mechanism amid worsening deprivation and a crackdown on civil society space in the country.

Security forces raid the ECESR and sexually harass women
Press release: This statement was issued by CESR's partner organization, the Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights, after its offices were raided by security forces on Thursday 22 May.

Egypt must stop penalizing the poor
Op-ed: Writing in Foreign Policy, CESR's Allison Corkery and the ECESR's Heba Khalil unpack the economic and social rights issues at stake in Egypt's elections.

130 organizations join forces at UN to confront Egypt's human rights crisis
Press Release: As presidential elections draw near in Egypt, a large coalition is taking the country to task before the Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review.

Rights regressions and short-sighted austerity policies in Egypt
Factsheet provides a concise statistical snapshot of worrying trends in the country (2013).

UN criticizes Egypt's rights record and calls for increased investment in ESCR
Press release: The United Nations has raised serious concerns over shortcomings in ESCR in Egypt.

Egypt rights activists take struggle to Geneva
CESR and its partners travelled to Geneva as Egypt was reviewed at the 51st session of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

Egypt's rights record found wanting at UN
Press release: The UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights has firmly criticised Egypt's failure to address the social injustices and marked inequality that fuelled the 2011 revolution.

Egypt to answer to UN body for ongoing social rights crisis
Press release: CESR and its Egyptian partners are in Geneva this week as the North African country makes its first appearance before a UN human rights treaty body since the Arab Spring revolution.

Publications, Reports & Briefings, Submissions
Egypt: new report brings economic and social rights deficits to attention of UN
UN submission: CESR has joined forces with a broad coalition of 57 organizations on a joint parallel report taking the Egyptian government to task at the United Nations.

Egypt: No freedom without social justice
Despite being one of the nations at the heart of the Arab Spring, uncertainty and political tension continue to bedevil Egypt two years after the fall of President Hosni Mubarak.

CESR condemns assault, coercion and threats of human rights workers and journalists in Egypt
Crackdown campaign betrays an apparent attempt to stifle the flow of information, silence independent reporting and to eliminate potential witnesses to further government repressions that may occur in the coming days.

Disparities Underlie Calls for Change
Disparities between youth and adults, and between men and women, especially in health, education and labor rights, reveal much.

Egypt: Submission to UN Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review
Joint submission to the OHCHR at the seventh session of the Universal Periodic Review, 2010.

Egypt's first arrest in enforcing ban on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting
Egypt made its first arrest of someone to violate its complete ban of female genital mutiliation/cutting (FGM/C), Al Arabiya reports.